

English follows the Japanese: マーちゃん(若宮正子さん)と初めてお会いしたのは、2007年。オーストラリアのシニアネットとSkypeでやり取りをされるとて、通訳に伺ったことがきっかけでした。白いTシャツに「マー」というゼッケンをつけて、可愛らしいおばあちゃんが立っておられました。






"I first met Ma-chan (Masako Wakamiya) in 2007. It was when she was communicating with SeniorNet in Australia via Skype, and I was there to interpret. There she stood, a sweet grandma in a white T-shirt with 'Ma' printed on it.

In 2018, she was set to present at the United Nations. I heard her say the word 'scared' for the first time when she showed me the invitation letter from the UN. Thus began the project with the words, 'Then we`ll come with you.'

Preparing for the speech (Ma-chan delivered it in English), filming the videos to be used, and handling various administrative procedures—a lot of people provided their support.

February in New York was freezing cold. Ma-chan diligently took care of her health by eating well every day and practiced her speech for four hours daily—doing nothing else. I learned a lot from her dedicated attitude as she prepared for the big day.

After the session at the United Nations, on the flight back, I asked, 'Why did you decide to give the speech even though you said you were scared?' Ma-chan quietly replied, 'I thought that if the children in Japan heard that a grandma with no business card or title gave a speech in English at the UN, they would believe they could do anything.' Her challenge was driven by her warm-hearted consideration for the children of Japan."

Picture is from the speech at UN. Together with Ambassador Hoshino.
