
IELTS Speaking Part 2_Tradition

IELTS Speaking Part 2_Tradition
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I know there are many things when it comes to tradition, but I think the one that comes to mind quickly for me personally is New Year's. I believe the Japanese New Year is different from that of other countries, so I would like to talk about it.

In Japan, I believe that most people spend the New Year's holiday with their families.
To speak briefly about the traditional Japanese New Year's Day, it is common to go and see the first sunrise on New Year's Day. We called this Hatsuhinode in Japanese. After that, we go to Hatsumode, where we go to the shrine and pray. When we go there, we usually report and thank for the past year, and then make new wishes and prayers for the year ahead.

We also often pray to God for safety and health for ourselves and our surroundings for the year ahead.
And At that time, some people buy a fortune slip, what we call Omikuji in Japanese, We buy this Omikuji to predict our fortune for the year ahead. So, when I was a child, I remember getting excited because it was either a bad fortune or a good one. and I remember buying another fortune slip or Omikuji when it turned out to be a bad one.

Most of the time we spent time with my family, so after we got home,
we often eat traditional Japanese food and watch TV together as a family.

Growing up as a kid, I remember looking forward to this New Year's every year because I could get New Year's money or New Year's allowance. But now that I am all grown up, I am on the side of giving out New Year's gits. I guess age isn't just the number. It comes with responsibility.
