
IELTS Speaking Part 2_Art_exhibition

Legit English
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I apologize in advance for my answer because I’m just not into art so visiting art exhibitions is not something I do or have done on a regular basis. The only thing I can think of that I can talk about is an art exhibition that was held at my university/school a few years back. I visited it with a few friends, but to be perfectly honest, we were just killing time because art is just not my thing

I can’t remember precisely when it was because I don’t have a head for dates but it was when I was studying at university and the event was being held in the library. One day, we were preparing a presentation there and we finished earlier than expected and had an hour to kill time before our next lecture. We decided to have a quick look around the exhibition. I don’t really know the technical terms for art, but I think it was abstract art.

I’m not dissing it and it looked incredibly professional. I certainly couldn’t produce anything like that, but it’s just not for me. I’m more into photography rather than art so my home is filled with photos, for example, landscape and portrait photography. I have loads of photos on my walls. They are my memories so are more meaningful for me.

Like I said, it isn’t my thing at all; however, I was impressed by it and I wish I could produce something similar. I can’t draw to save my life and I didn’t study art at school so that is one of the reasons I’ve never got into it. Maybe, in the future, I will appreciate it more. I think I should start by going to photography exhibitions because I think I would enjoy them more.
