

Legit English
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I was struggling to come up with something because I don’t think of myself as particularly talented or gifted so I wasn’t sure what skill I could pass on to others. I’m pretty good at using a computer so if someone wasn’t computer literate I could teach them a thing or two, I suppose.

I’m not entirely sure when I first used a PC or how I learned how to use it.
It’s been a gradual process and it’s something I’ve picked up over many years. I’ve had no formal training.
I’ve been using one for the best part of a decade now so I kind of know what I’m doing. It’s not that I’m an expert, but I could teach someone the basics of Word, PPT, Excel, and so on.

In order to share my skills and knowledge, I would feel most comfortable doing it face-to-face because you can see what they are doing and guide them much more easily than doing it remotely

I did this kind of thing a few times when I was studying at university and we were working on group projects. Some of my classmates weren’t confident with using PPT so I went through how to put together a presentation with them before we started. I do it from time to time in my current job. What’s funny is that it’s never written in my job description.

I don't think I would tell you this in a job interview or in any other setting since it could be very basic skill sets in most jobs.
