sumika / 願い - Learn Japanese by Songs!
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Title: 願い(negài): a wish
Singer: sumika
Lyrics by: 片岡健太(KATÀÒKÀ Kènta)
Composed by: 黒田隼之介(KÙRODA Juńnòs(ù)kè)
Released in: 2019
Genre: Jpop
※Accents on usual conversation.
🎵 あなたの瞳に映って
(anàta no h(i)tòmì ni utsùtte)
: (Me) reflecting in your eyes and
...あなた(anàta): you (gentle way)
...あなたの(anàta no): your
...瞳(h(i)tòmì): pupil, eye (poetic)
...(に)映って(ni utsùtte): TE form of 映る (utsùru): (something) reflects (in/on)
🎵 「ただいま」「おかえり」を言い合って
( “tadàìmà” "okàèrì” (w)o iìàtte)
: (Us) saying “I’m home” “Welcome back” to each other
...ただいま(tadàìmà): a phrase when you’re back home
...おかえり(okàèrì): a phrase by those already in a house to those who just came back
...言い合って(iìàtte): TE form of 言い合う(iìàu): to say to each other, quarrel
🎵 真昼に見ていた儚い夢だ
(mahìrù nì mìteta hakànài yumè da)
: (Here's) a fragile dream (I) had at midday
...真昼(ma hìrù): midday
...見ていた(mìteita): pat continuous form of 見る(mìru): to look at, watch
...儚い(hakànài): fragile, empty, not lasting long (poetic)
...夢(yumè): dream
🎵 白い息を小さく吐いて
(shiròi ìki (w)o chiìsàku hàite)
: Exhaling a little white breath and
...白い(shiròi): white
...息(ìki): breath
...小さく(chìusaku): adverbial form of 小さい(chiìsài): small, little
...吐いて(hàite): TE form of 吐く(hàku): to exhale, vomit, whine
🎵 「おはよう」「おやすみ」って目を合わせ
(“ohàyòù” “oyàsùmì” tte mè (w)o awàse)
: (Saying) “Good morning” “Good night” (with our) eyes looking at each other
...おはよう(ohàyòù): Good morning
...おやすみ(oyàsùmì): Good night
...~って(tte): saying ~
...目(mè): eye
...合わせ(awàse): conjunctive form of 合わせる(awàsèru): match, mix
🎵 私も言いたかったな
(watàshì mò iìtàkatta nà)
: I wanted to say (such things) too
...私(watàshì): I, me (often as a female)
...も(mo): too, also
...言いたかった(iìtàkatta): past form of 言いたい(iìtài): to want to say
🎵 きっとまだ
(kittò màda)
: Maybe just not yet
...きっと(kittò): maybe (with a positive expectation), I believe
...まだ(màda): not yet
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✨The Whole Sentence✨
= (Me) reflecting in your eyes and (us) saying “I’m home” “Welcome back”, (here’s) a frigide dream (that I) had at midday. “Good morning” and “Good night” with a little white breath with our eyes looking at each other, I wanted to say (such things) too. Maybe just not yet.