Silent vowels
The most well-known Silent Vowel is the U in ~です(desu) pronounced as DES.
You might have heard more of these kinds of missing vowels in the conversations, so let’s see how they work!
*** The rule changes depending on the dialects. This post introduces the most common one spoken mainly in the Kanto region (around Tokyo).
Basically, those vowels that become silent are “I” and “U” with particular consonants -
KI and KU before K, S, T/CH, H, F, and P.
聞く(k(i) kù): to listen to, ask
臭い(k(u)sà i): smelly
汚い(k(i)tànà i): dirty
基本(k(i) hòń): basic, standard
楽譜(gak(u) fù): music sheet
ミルクパイ(mirùk(ù) pai): Milk Cream Pie
SHI and SU before K, S, T/CH, H, F, and P.
スキー(s(u)kìi): skiing
悲しさ (kanà sh(ì)sa): sadness
シチュー(sh(i)chùu): stew
明日(ash(ì)tà): tomorrow
支払い(sh(i) hàrà ì): payment
スプレー(s(u)pùree): spray
JI and ZU before K, S, T/CH, H, F, and P.
政治家(seì j(ì) kà): politician
静か(shìz(u) ka): quiet, calm
相槌(aì z(ù)chì): short responses in conversations
元日(gań j(ì)tsù): the first day of a year
味ぽん(aj(ì) pòń): Ajipon the Ponzu sauce
CHI and TSU before K, S, T/CH, H, F, and P.
近い (ch(i)kà i): close, near
月(ts(u)kì): moon, month
錬金術師(reń kìń jùts(u) shi): alchemist
土(ts(u)chì): soil
地方(ch(i) hòu): countryside
HI and FU before K, S, T/CH, H, F, and P.
深い(f(u)kà i): deep
不思議(f(u) shì gì): mysterious, strange
必要(h(i)tsù yòù): necessary
ひとつ(h(i)tòtsu): one (thing)
不評(f(u)hyòù): bad reputation
PI and PU before K, S, T/CH, H, F, and P.
ピカイチ(p(i)kàichi): most talented
ピシッと(p(i)shìtto): neat and clean (in behaviour)
ピチピチ(p(i)chìpìchì): fresh (of fish, skin etc), very tight (in size)
ヘリコプター(herìkòp(u)taa): helicopter
Also when a word/ sentence ends with き(ki)・く(ku)・し(shi)・す(su)・つ(tsu) and doesn't have an accent.
渋谷駅(shibùyà ek(i)): Shibuya Station
悪(àk(u)): evil, badness
お菓子(okàsh(i)): snacks, sweets
食べます(tabèmàs(u)): to eat (I’m polite form)
立つ(tàts(u)): to stand up
Of course there are some word with consecutive silent-able consonants like below. Then you can make either the first or second vowel silent. Both sound natural.
スクショ (s(u)kusho/ suk(u)sho)
しつこい (sh(i)tsukoi/ shits(u)koi)
つくし (ts(u)kùshì/ tsuk(ù)shì)
Also I feel like FU is most likely to be silent.
シフト(shif(ù)tò): shift
至福(shif(ù)kù): bliss
Q. Do Japanese not understand when I forget making those vowels silent?
— Don’t worry, we do understand even when you pronounce every single word as written. We actually pronounce all the vowels when we want an emphasis or accent.
開く(akù): to open
足(ashì): foot, leg
Q. Why are some characters not pronounced?
— Just because it’s easier to pronounce (as a Japanese)! However, the most Japanese never notice the rules of silent vowels since it’s just natural to say.
Hope you enjoyed reading!
Please do not think too much about these rules when speaking! But it might still help you understand native Japanese speaking fast.
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