なごり雪 (nagori yuki) / かぐや姫 (kaguya hime) - Learn Japanese by Songs! Tokotoko Japanese 2020年3月20日 00:38 0:36~ in the video. 🎶Learn Japanese by Songs🎤 Title: なごり雪 (Nagòrì yuki): Lingering/Unseasonable SnowSinger: かぐや姫 (Kagùyà hime)Lyrics & Music by: 伊勢正三 (ÌSE Shoùzòù)Released in: 1975Genre: Japanese Folk[Lyrics] ※Accents on usual conversation. 🎵なごり雪も降る時を知り(nagòrì yuki mo fùru tokì (w)o shirì): Unseasonable snow now knows the time to fall...降る(fùru): (something natural) falls...時(tokì): time, moment...知り(shirì): conjunctive form of 知る(shirù): to know 🎵ふざけすぎた季節の後で(fuzàkè sùgita k(ì)setsu no àto de): After the season (when we) fooled around too much (in the youth)...ふざけすぎた(fuzàkè sùgita): Past form of ふざけすぎる(fuzàkè sùgìru): to fool around too much...季節(k(ì) setsu): season ...~(の)後で(no àto de): after~🎵今 春が来て 君は綺麗になった(ìma hàru ga k(i)te kimì wà kìrei ni natta): Now the spring has come and you became beautiful ...今(ìma): now, these days...春(hàru): spring ...来て(k(ì)te): TE form of 来る(kùru): to come...君(kimì): you ...綺麗に(kì rei ni): adverb form of 綺麗(な) (kì rei nà): beautiful...なった(nàtta): past form of なる(nàru): to become, turn to🎵去年よりずっと綺麗になった(kyònen yori zuttò kìrei ni natta): Much more beautiful than last year...去年(kyò nen): last year...~より(yorì): than~...ずっと[adjective] (zuttò): much more✨The Whole Sentence✨なごり雪も降る時を知り、ふざけすぎた季節の後で、今、春が来て、君は綺麗になった。去年より、ずっと綺麗になった。= Unseasonable snow now knows the time to fall. After the season (when we) fooled around too much (in the youth), now, the spring has come and you became beautiful. Much more beautiful than last year. For other song phrases>> #JapaneseSongsLJ #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #japaneseverbs #lovejapanese #lovejapan #japan #japanese #nihongo #benkyo #linecamera #lovesinging #ilovejapan #languages #asianlanguage #linguistic #日本語 #日本語勉強 #日本 #語学 #語学勉強 いいなと思ったら応援しよう! チップで応援する #日本 #日本語 #japan #語学 #Japanese #語学勉強 #nihongo #LearnJapanese #LINEcamera #studyjapanese #日本語勉強 #languages #ILoveJapan #lovejapan #benkyo #linguistic #lovejapanese #japaneseverbs #asianlanguage #lovesinging #JapaneseSongsLJ