🎵関白宣言(kanpaku sengen) - さだまさし(sada masashi) - Learn Japanese by Songs! Tokotoko Japanese 2020年1月27日 19:12 0:33~ in the video.🎶Learn Japanese by Songs🎤 [Title] 関白宣言(kańpàkù sèngen): Bossy Husband’s Declaration[Singer] さだまさし(SADÀ Màsashi)[Lyrics & Music by] さだまさし[Released in] 1979[Genre] Japanese Folk[Lyrics] ※Accents on usual conversation. 🎵 俺より先に寝てはいけない(orè yòri sakì nì netè wa ikènàì): (You) must not sleep earlier than me...俺(orè): I, me (by a male, very manly)...~より(yòri): than ~...先に(sakì nì): before (someone does an action), early (adv)...寝て(netè): TE form of 寝る(nerù): to sleep[verb]はいけない(wa ikènàì): you mustn’t~, it’s prohibited to ~🎵 俺より後に起きてもいけない(orè yòri àto ni òk(i)te mo ikènàì): (You) must not wake up later than me either...後に(àto ni): late (adv)...起きて(òk(i)te): TE form of 起きる(okìru): to wake up...~も(mo): also, too/either, as well🎵 飯は上手く作れ(meshì wa ùmaku ts(u)kùre): Make a good meal...飯(meshì): meal (manly)...上手く(ùmaku): well, in a good way...作れ(ts(u)kùre): imperative form of 作る(ts(u)kùru): to make🎵 いつも綺麗でいろ(ìtsumo kìrei de irò): Always stay beautiful ...いつも(ìtsumo): always...綺麗(kì rei): beautiful...(で)いろ(de irò): imperative form of (で)いる(de irù): to stay ~🎵 できる範囲で構わないから(dekìru hàn’i de kamàwànai kara): (I) don’t mind (as long as you try doing them) as much as possible so....できる(dekìru): possible, to be able to ...範囲(hàn i): area, range...できる範囲で(dekìru hàn’i de): as much as possible (not pushy)...構わない(kamà wànai): negative form of 構う(kamà u): care/think a lot about (often with concern)...[sentence]から(kara): because/as ~, ~ so✨The Whole Sentence✨俺より先に寝てはいけない。俺より後に起きてもいけない。飯は上手く作れ。いつも綺麗でいろ。できる範囲で構わないから。= (You) mustn’t sleep earlier than me. (You) mustn’t wake up later than me. Make a good meal. Always stay beautiful. (I) don’t mind (as long as you try doing them) as much as (you) can so. For other song phrases>> #JapaneseSongsLJ #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #japaneseverbs #lovejapanese #lovejapan #japan #japanese #nihongo #benkyo #linecamera #lovesinging #ilovejapan #languages #asianlanguage #linguistic #日本語 #日本語勉強 #日本 #語学 #語学勉強 いいなと思ったら応援しよう! チップで応援する #日本 #日本語 #japan #語学 #Japanese #語学勉強 #nihongo #LearnJapanese #LINEcamera #studyjapanese #日本語勉強 #languages #ILoveJapan #lovejapan #benkyo #linguistic #lovejapanese #japaneseverbs #asianlanguage #lovesinging #JapaneseSongsLJ