森山直太朗 - さくら(独唱) Tokotoko Japanese 2020年3月30日 02:52 3:35~ in the video.🎶Learn Japanese by Songs🎤 Title: さくら(sakùrà)Singer: 森山直太朗(MORÌYÀMÀ Naòtarou)Lyrics & Music by: 森山直太郎, 御徒町凧(OKÀCHÌMACHI Kàito)Released in: 2003Genre: J pop[Lyrics] ※Accents on usual conversation. 🎵 さくら さくら いざ舞い上がれ(sakùrà sakùrà ìza maìàgàre): Sakura, Sakura, now fly up (to the sky)...さくら/桜(sakùrà): Japanese cherry blossoms ...いざ(ìza): ancient way of さあ(sàa): now (let’s ~), here (we go)...舞い上がれ(maì àgàre): imperative form of 舞い上がる(maì àgàru): to fly up beautifully (like the Japanese traditional dancing)🎵 永遠にさんざめく光を浴びて(tòwa ni sańzàmèku h(i)kàrì (w)o abìtè): (while) bathing in the forever-lively lights...永遠(tòwa/ eì èń): forever, everlasting...さんざめく(sańzàmèku): to make a lively/joyful noise with many people...光(h(i)kàrì): light, shine...浴びて(abìtè): TE form of 浴びる(abìrù): to get a shower 🎵 さらば友よ またこの場所で会おう(sàraba tòmo yo matà konò bàshò dè aòu): Farewell, (my) friend, let’s meet at this place again...さらば(sàraba): ancient/manly way of さようなら(sayòùnàrà): Good bye...友(tòmo): friend (manly way)...[person]よ(yo): ending word to call someone (ancient way)...また(matà): again...この(konò) this (adjectival)...場所(ba shò): place, spot...[place]で(de): at, in, on~...会おう(aòu): volitional form of 会う(àu): to meet, see🎵 さくら舞い散る道の上で(sakùrà maìchìru michì nò ùè de): On the street (where) Sakura flutters down ...舞い散る(maì chìru): to scatter, flutter down beautifully (like the traditional Japanese dancing)...道(michì): street, road, avenue...上(uè): on~, above, upper side✨The Whole Sentence✨さくら、さくら、いざ舞い上がれ、永遠にさんざめく光を浴びて。さらば友よ、またこの場所で会おう、さくら舞い散る道の上で。= Sakura, Sakura, now fly up (to the sky), while bathing in the forever-lively lights. Farewell, (my) friend, let’s meet at this place again, on the street (where) Sakura flutters down. For other song phrases>> #JapaneseSongsLJ #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #japaneseverbs #lovejapanese #lovejapan #japan #japanese #nihongo #benkyo #linecamera #sakura #spring いいなと思ったら応援しよう! チップで応援する #japan #Japanese #spring #sakura #nihongo #LearnJapanese #LINEcamera #studyjapanese #lovejapan #benkyo #lovejapanese #japaneseverbs #JapaneseSongsLJ