完全感覚Dreamer - ONE OK ROCK - Learn Japanese by Songs! Tokotoko Japanese 2020年2月28日 21:01 3:28~ in the video. 🎶Learn Japanese by Songs🎤 Title: 完全感覚Dreamer (kańzèń káńkàk(ù) dorìimaa): Complete-Intuitive DreamerSinger: ONE OK ROCKLyrics & Music by: Taka, ToruReleased in: 2010Genre: J rock[Lyrics] ※Accents on usual conversation. 🎵 完全感覚Dreamer的空想!(kańzèń káńkàk(ù) dòrììmàà tèk(ì) kuùsòù): A fantasy (imagined by) the Complete-intuitive Dreamer!...完全(kań zèń): perfect, complete...感覚(kań kàkù): intuition, sense...~的(tekì): like~, of~...空想(kuù sòù): fantasy, imagination 🎵 誰が何を言おうが言わまいが無関係!(dàre ga nàni (w)o iòu ga iwàmài ga mukànkei): (It’s) irrelevant (to me) no matter what anyone says!...誰(dàre): who...何(nàni): what ...言おうが言わまいが(iòu ga iwàmài ga): no matter if (someone) says or not ...無関係(mu kàn kei): irrelevant 🎵 どうやったっていつも変わらない壁や闇を(dòuyattà tte ìtsumo kawàrànàì kabè yà yamì (w)o): the wall and the darkness that have never changed whatever (I) did...どうやったって(dòu yattà tte): whatever (someone) does/did...いつも(ìtsumo): always, all the time...変わらない(kawàrànàì): negative form of 変わる(kawàrù): (something) changes...壁(kabè): wall... ~や~(ya): or, and ~ (and more)...闇(yamì): darkness🎵 これからぶっ壊して行くさ!(korèkàrà bukkòwàsh(i)te ikù sa): (I'm) going to destroy (them) now!...これから(korèkàrà): from now on, now...ぶっ壊して(bukkòwàsh(i)te): TE form of ぶっ壊す(buk kòwàsu): to destroy (manly language)...行く(ikù): to go, keep ~ing...さ(sa): ending word to declare/state something in a manly way🎵 完全感覚Dreamer! (kańzèń káńkàk(ù) dorìimaa): Complete-Intuitive Dreamer!✨The Whole Sentence✨完全感覚Dreamer的空想!誰が何を言おうが言わまいが無関係!どうやったっていつも変わらない壁や闇をこれからぶっ壊して行くさ!完全感覚Dreamer! = A fantasy (dreamed by) the Complete-intuitive Dreamer! (It’s) irrelevant (to me) no matter what anyone says! Now (I’m) going to destroy the wall and the darkness that have never changed whatever (I) did! The Complete-intuitive Dreamer!For other song phrases>> #JapaneseSongsLJ #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #japaneseverbs #lovejapanese #lovejapan #japan #japanese #nihongo #benkyo #linecamera #lovesinging #ilovejapan #languages #asianlanguage #linguistic #日本語 #日本語勉強 #日本 #語学 #語学勉強 いいなと思ったら応援しよう! チップで応援する #日本 #日本語 #japan #語学 #Japanese #語学勉強 #nihongo #LearnJapanese #LINEcamera #studyjapanese #日本語勉強 #languages #ILoveJapan #lovejapan #benkyo #linguistic #lovejapanese #japaneseverbs #asianlanguage #lovesinging #JapaneseSongsLJ