米津玄師 MV「orion」
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Title: Orion (òrion)
Singer: 米津玄師(YÒNEZU Kènshi)
Lyrics & Music by: 米津玄師
Released in: 2017
Genre: J pop
※Accents on usual conversation.
🎵神様 どうか どうか 声を聞かせて
(kàmisama dòuka dòuka kòe (w)o k(i)kàsètè)
: My God, please, please, let me hear your voice
...神様(kàmi sama): God
...どうか(dòuka): a phrase to ask in a polite way
...声(kòe): voice
...聞かせて(k(i)kàsètè): causative TE form of 聞く(k(i)kù): to listen to
(hońnò chòtto demo ìi kara)
: Even just a little bit is enough so
...ほんの~(hońńò): an emphasis for a small amount
...ちょっと(chòtto): a little, a bit
...~でも(dèmo): an emphasis for a word right before.
...いい(ìi): good, okay, enough
...[sentense]から(kara): because~, so~
(mòu nidòto hanàrènai you ni)
: Not to go away (from me) anymore
...もう(mòu): no longer, soon
...二度と(nidòto): never, no next time
...離れない(hanàrènai): negative form of 離れる(hanàrèru): to go/stay away
...[verb]ように(yòu ni): to ~ (for prevention)
🎵あなたと二人 あの星座のように
(anàta to f(u)tàrì anò sèìzà nò yòu ni)
: You and I, just like that constellation
...あなた(anàta): you
...二人(f(u)tàrì): two people
...あの(anò): that (adjective)
...星座(seì zà): star constellation
...[noun]のように(no yòu ni): like~
(musùńdè hòsh(ì)k(u)te)
: (I) want (you, My God) to connect (two of us)
...結んで(musùńdè): TE form of 結ぶ(musùbù): to tie, connect
...欲しくて(hoshìk(u)te): TE form of 欲しい(hoshìi): to want
✨The Whole Sentence✨
= My God, please, please, let me hear your voice. Even just a little bit is enough so (let me hear your voice). (Because I) want (you My God) to connect “you” and me just like that constellation not to (have “you”) go away (from me) anymore.
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