🎵手紙~拝啓 十五の君へ~ - アンジェラ・アキ - Learn Japanese by Songs! 1 Julia Sensei / 入道 the New Door Japanese Club 2020年3月30日 02:50 1:03~ in the video.🎶Learn Japanese by Songs🎤 Title: 手紙 〜拝啓十五の君へ〜 (tegàmì ~hàikei jùugo no kimì è): Dear You the Fifteen-Year-Old boy/girlSinger: アンジェラ・アキ (Angela Aki)Lyrics & Music by: アンジェラ・アキReleased in: 2008Genre: J pop[Lyrics] ※Accents on usual conversation. 🎵 今負けそうで泣きそうで消えてしまいそうな僕は(ìma makèsòu de nakìsòu de kiètèshìmàìsòù nà bòku wa): Now (Here’s) me almost losing, crying, and unwillingly disappearing ...今(ìma): now, present, these days...負けそう(makè sòu): to almost lose ...泣きそう(nakì sòu): to almost cry with tears ...消えて(kiètè): TE form of 消える(kièrù): to disappear...[verb in TE]しまいそう(shimàì sòù): to be about to unwillingly do~...[verb] そう(sòu): to be about to, almost ...僕(bòku): I, me (for men)🎵 誰の言葉を信じ歩けばいいの?(dàre no kotòbà (w)o shìnji arùkeba ìi no?: Whose words should I trust and walk on? ...誰の(dàre no): whose ...言葉(kotò bà): words...信じ(shìn ji): conjunctive form of 信じる(shiń jìru): to trust, believe ...歩けば(arù keba): conditional form of 歩く(arù ku): to walk...いい (ìi): good, better, enough 🎵 一つしかないこの胸が何度もバラバラに割れて(h(i)tòtsu sh(i)ka nài konò mùnè ga nàndo ko baràbàrà nì wàrètè): This only one heart (in the universe) breaks into pieces again and again, and...一つ(h(i)tò tsu): one (thing)...[noun]しかない(sh(i)ka nài): there’s nothing other than~, there’s only~...この(konò): this (adjectival)...胸(munè): chest, heart...何度も(nàn do mo): so many times that one cannot count, again and again...バラバラ(に)(baràbàrà nì): the state when something is falling apart/ breaking into pieces...割れて(wa rètè): TE form of 割れる(wa rèrù): (something) splits, cracks 🎵 苦しい中で今を生きている(kurùshìi nàka de ìma (w)o ìk(i)te iru): In the middle of pain, (I) seize the day...苦しい(kurù shìi): mentally painful ...中(nàka): inside, in...生きている(ìk(i)te iru): continuous form of 生きる(ikìru): to live a life/soul...今を生きる(ìma (w)o ikìru): to seize the dayFor other song phrases>> #JapaneseSongsLJ #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #japaneseverbs #lovejapanese #lovejapan #japan #japanese #nihongo #benkyo ————-✨The Whole Sentence✨今、負けそうで、泣きそうで、消えてしまいそうな僕は、誰の言葉を信じ、歩けばいいの?一つしかないこの胸が何度もバラバラに割れて、苦しい中で今を生きている。= Now, whose words should I trust and walk on, (as a person who) almost loses, cries, and unwillingly disappears? This only one heart breaks into pieces again and again, and (I) seize the day in the (world with) pain. いいなと思ったら応援しよう! チップで応援する #japan #Japanese #nihongo #LearnJapanese #studyjapanese #lovejapan #benkyo #lovejapanese #japaneseverbs #JapaneseSongsLJ 1