Vol.1 Ei Miyauchi
●Name:Ei Miyauchi
名前: 宮内栄
●Nickname: Ei
● Nationality: Japan
国籍・出身: 日本 (ソウル生まれ)
● Education: International Christian University, Class of 2017 (International Relations Major, Development Studies Minor)
学歴: 国際基督教大学教養学部Class of 2017 (国際関係学主専攻、開発研究副専攻)
● Work experience: Internship at the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC Tokyo) (April 2016 – June 2016)
職歴: 国連広報センターインターンシップ (2016年4月 – 6月)
●Interests & Activities
➢24th ICU Tournament (ICUT) (March 2014-March 2015)
I organized the 5-day international debating tournament as the Convener, leading the organizing team. It was the only international debating tournament then in Japan, and gathered more than 300 people mainly from Asia. The project won both Silver Prize and Japan ICU Foundation Prize in the 2014 ICU Alumni contest.
日本最大の国際英語競技ディベート大会の第24回大会運営代表を務める。前年度までの東アジア地域に加えインド・シンガポール・イラン・バングラデシュといった南アジア・中東地域、またイギリスの学生や社会人からも応募を集め5日間の大会期間では計300人以上の参加者を動員、また世界大会優勝者を名誉審査員として招致するなど大会の規模・国際性・質を向上させることに成功。大会内企画はICU同窓会主催2014年度コンテストにて銀賞及びJapan ICU Foundation賞を受賞。
➢61st International Student Conference (ISC) (October 2014-August 2015)
I was in charge of the discussion theme selection, applicant selection, and facilitation at the conference.
第61回国際学生会議 (2014年10月-2015年8月)
➢5th Annual Conference of Japan Association for Human Security Studies (December 2015)
I presented the paper on the theme: “Re-examining Two Pillars of Broad Approach: Key to the Securitization Deadlock”
第5回人間の安全保障学会学術大会(2015年12月) 論文発表 (“Re-examining Two Pillars of Broad Approach: Key to the Securitization Deadlock” )
➢Japan Youth Platform for Sustainability (JYPS) (2016年10月-)
I am working as a policy officer at JYPS, which is a platform for young people and organizations based in Japan to engage in the UN and other intergovernmental systems.
What do you do now?
● I am going to start my Masters in Development Studies at London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) this September.
What is your ambition in life?
● My ambition is to make the world a better place, where more people can make their own choices on their lives, by dedicating my time on development issues, before passing the baton to the next generation.
What does “leaning in” mean to you?
● It means “letting go of fear and to enjoy the new adventure”. I had many “leaning in” moments during my university life: being the convener of the ICU Tournament (an important role for mobilizing more than 4 million JPY, planning the one-year task road map, and encouraging the team members, dealing with political issues), working in the International Student Conference, writing and presenting my paper at the academic conference alongside other Masters and PhD students. All of these required me to let go of pressure and fear, and at each moment, I remembered the passion I had at the beginning when I decided to challenge myself.
私にとって”Lean In”は「恐れずに新しい冒険を楽しむこと」です。今まで何度も”Lean In”の瞬間がありました。大きな組織運営の経験も無いまま1年単位の数百万のお金を動かすプロジェクトの実行計画を立てその運営チームの先頭で指揮を取ったこと (ICUT)、国際学生会議のテーブルチーフに選んでもらい1年間運営の皆と仕事をしたこと、修士課程や博士課程の学生と並んで学会で論文発表をさせて頂いたこと。どれも、始める前は自分にできるだろうかと不安で、恐ろしさも感じました。それでもその度に、一番初めに「やりたい」と純粋に思ったその気持ちを思い出すことで、不安よりも新しい挑戦へのワクワク感の方がずっと大きく感じられ、一歩を踏み出すことができました。
What encourages you to lean in?
● The pure passion for my ambition is of course the foundation of my leaning in. In addition, people around me definitely encourage me to lean in. Not to mention my parents who have been the best supporters of me, I think I have always been stimulated by the predecessors in my friends, who are challenging various new things. Also, I think having friends that share the same ambition is the most valuable thing that supports me with the feeling that I am not fighting alone.
What would you do if you weren't afraid?
● I would never give up, and I would keep chasing my ambition.