
What Magic Is This? by Holly Bourne

Book review: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

First, let me just say that when it arrived at my doorstep, I was so amazed by how beautiful it was. The pink stripes on every page gave it a charming appearance, making the book look entirely pink when closed. The font used was pretty yet simple, with large letters. I thought I could read it from cover to cover without straining my eyes, for sure. And I discovered that this book was designed exactly that way to be dyslexic-friendly and reduce eye strain. Amazing. But we don't judge a book by its cover, so...
この本を最初に見たとき、とても美しい本だなと思いました。ページはピンクのエッジで、本を閉じると全体がピンク色になります。フォントもシンプルで、文字も大きくて、最初から最後まで続けて読んでも目が疲れることは絶対ないだろうと思いました。 調べたら、この本がまさに読字障害の人に優しく、目の疲れを軽減するためにそのようにデザインされている本だということを知りました。すごいですね。でも見た目で判断してはいけないですね。最後まで読まないとね。

It was a quick read. It's a YA novel, so as an adult, I didn't enjoy the plot of the story that much: the most famous boy in school and a common girl crushing on him like all the other girls, then her friends going against it. I'd say it's somewhat cliche. But I like how it ended. Like many of the YA novels coming out recently, they don't focus on matching them at the end. They didn't end up together. And I like it. Because that's how it should be. We don't go chasing around and wishing and praying for some shtty person to like us back. No.

It's one of those books that would fit perfectly in the hands of someone going through that awkward puberty phase. You know, those times when you're not quite sure if you're a human or a walking collection of hormones? Yeah, that phase.

The moral of the story is that instead of pining after people who don't give a sht about us, we should accept our flaws and realize that we're all lovable in our own unique ways. In fact, there are people out there who truly appreciate us. Already with us most of the time. It's a pretty solid message. Embrace our personalities, our bodies, our faces, and all the quirks that make us, well, us. After all, we're not meant for everybody. The people meant for us will surely see how amazing we are.

This book might not have been my cup of tea, but it definitely has its audience. So, if you're a teenager on the verge of adulthood or someone in the midst of discovering your true self, give it a shot.
