

Hello, everyone. 

We are a voluntary organisation, La Perché.

We founded the organisation in January 2019 aiming to create a society where everyone is respected as who they are without any oppression.

これまで、私たちがやろうとしていること、活動内容についてPDF資料をSlideshareやGoogle Driveのリンクで公開していましたが、もっと効果的な伝え方を考えた時に、noteにたどり着きました。
We have been sharing a few PDF files about what we are trying to do and our activity via Slideshare and Google Drive, but we decided to start a blog for more effective communication with you all.

We have already opened our Twitter account and Facebook page, but we think that we can show you our ideas and passion in a more flexible way in the blog style.

Then, what should we start with?

Let's start with who exactly is writing this.

This is Satomi Oya, the co-founder and CEO.

While working at a Japanese company in Tokyo, I run this organisation. My hobby is reading and watching rap battles. I'm a sociology geek too (I studied sociology at uni.).

Why did I set up La Perché?

I have been very interested in social problems since I was a school kid and did not feel comfortable with labelling or stereotyping like "you are A or you do A because you are B". Of course, labelling has both positive and negative effects. However, people will not be respected, not be treated with dignity if they are oppressed - for example, they can't express themselves or lose opportunities - by being labelled.

Currently, there are different labels, such as women, foreigners, transgender, single mother, high school graduates, and ex-convicts. They are only a few of the labels that exist in society.

私も、いろんなラベルにさらされてきました。「女性」「日本人」「アジア人」「海外帰り」「若者」「大卒」など。時にそれでポジティブな面があったことは受け入れます。しかし、そんなラベルは私が私であることを忘れさせてしまいます。多少、そのラベルについているイメージは私と一致するのかもしれませんが、でも、なぜ「私」は消えなければならないのでしょうか。「私」が消えることで、私は◯◯だから、こうだ、こうでなきゃ、と「私」の声や意思がかき消されてしまう。I have been labelled in different ways, for example, a woman, a Japanese, an Asian, an international person, a young person, a graduate... I accept that I sometimes had benefit for being labelled such. However, these labels make me and people around me forget I am myself. To some extent, the stereotype or assumption attached to the labels are true to describe myself, but why do "I" have to banish? As "I" disappear, "my" voice and will fade away because I think I am A or I should do A because I am (a woman, Japanese or whatever).

Thus, we founded La Perché because we would like to eliminate labels that entail oppression and have a heartwarming society where each person express themselves and live their life.

そのために掲げているミッションは、「ラベリングせず、誰もが少しでも疑問に感じた事を話せる、安⼼・ 安全な環境を提供する事により、本質的な問題解決へつなげること」。
Our mission is to offer safe and secure places where anyone can talk about what they feel without being labelled and lead the voices to address the essence of their issues.

The key idea in our mission is offering a safe and secure space. You can speak up on the internet regardless of your background as long as you have access to the internet and literacy to use it. However, the benefit is not the same for everyone. For example, on social media, the comments you get are different depending on how you are labelled. For some people, the internet is not a safe and secure place. 

安心・安全な環境ってなんだろう?と日々模索しています。そんな中で、立ち上げたプロジェクトが"Your Voice Matters"です。
Every day we are questioning what the safe and secure place looks like. Then, we started a project called "Your Voice Matters".

次は、Your Voice Mattersについて書きたいと思います。
In the next article we'll write about Your Voice Matters.
