Chapter2. The Pool of Tears
『Alice's Adventures in Wonderland』音読の第2弾。
— Aina ☺︎ @英語勉強してる人 (@yolo_ai_) June 17, 2020
✔️out of sight
✔️a great deal
✔️trouble myself about〜
✔️go on doing
— Aina ☺︎ @英語勉強してる人 (@yolo_ai_) June 18, 2020
✔️be ashamed of〜
✔️gallons of〜
✔️after a time
✔️in the distance
✔️skurried(scurried) away into
✔️just as usual
— Aina ☺︎ @英語勉強してる人 (@yolo_ai_) June 23, 2020
✔️a narrow escape
✔️in existence
✔️as before
✔️I declare
✔️make out
✔️find way out
— Aina ☺︎ @英語勉強してる人 (@yolo_ai_) June 24, 2020
✔️a little way off
✔️be of any use
✔️the right way of doing
✔️rather inquisitively
— Aina ☺︎ @英語勉強してる人 (@yolo_ai_) June 25, 2020
✔️if you were me
✔️I wish I could〜
✔️ it must be offended
✔️if you'd rather not
✔️as if I would