
Live Report: NorthWest IdolFest 2024@Seattle

2024年10月12日, 13日に、アメリカのシアトルで開催されたアイドルフェス「NorthWest IdolFest 2024 (NWIF2024)」に参加してきました。こちらのライブレポートになります。

I participated in "NorthWest IdolFest 2024 (NWIF2024)," which was one of idol events held in Seattle, US on October 12th and 13th, 2024. I wrote the live report of this event.
Generally speaking, this event was held for 4 days, between 10th and 13th. However, I wrote 12th to Day1 and 13th to Day2 for convenience.

I wrote English by myself, there may be mistakes, for example grammar, tense, and so on.

参加したきっかけ/Why I participated in

2024年8月-10月の3ヶ月間、私はカナダのバンクーバーに滞在している。日本にいないので趣味の一つであるイベント通いからは遠ざかっていたのだが、8月末、バンクーバーで開催されるイベントのチラシにアイドルライブが開かれることを発見。出演するアイドルを調べてみると、バンクーバーを拠点に活動しているアイドル「Non Sweet」であることを知った。まさか海外、しかも私が滞在しているバンクーバーにアイドルがいるとは思わなかったので、ぜひとも一目見てみたくなってしまった。

あいにく上記含めた出演予定のイベントは予定の都合がつかなかったが、昨年の「NWIF2023」というイベントにNon Sweetが出演していたことを知る。今年も開催されるようなので調べてみると、なんと日本のアイドルグループ「アイドル失格」も出演予定であることを知った。こちらのメンバー兼プロデューサーであるえんじてゃさんが、9月開催のなつぴさん生誕祭に出演するため、これはぜひ挨拶に伺いたいと思いチケットを購入した。

9月中旬頃、Non Sweetの出演も決まったことを受け、バンクーバーからシアトルへ両アイドルに逢いに行くプランを決行することとなった。

I'm staying in Vancouver for 3 months, between August and October, 2024. Because I'm not in Japan, I'm away from wotakatsu. However, I found a Vancouver event flyer that showed idol lives were held in the end of August. I checked this idol group, this is  "Non Sweet.” And…, oh my god!! This is based on Vancouver!! I was so surprised because there is a idol group overseas, especially in Vancouver, and I wished I could meet them.

Unfortunately, I couldn't meet them in Vancouver because of schedule conflicts. However, I found they had performed in "NWIF2023.” I checked the webpage of NWIF 2024, I discovered an idol group, "Idol Shikkaku,” would perform in this event…? Whoa! This is Japanese idol group! I've already known this group because Enjiteya, who is the member & producer of this, has performed as a guest at the birthday party of my oshi group, “Violence of Gakureki.” So, I decided to meet them.

In the middle of September, the performance of Non Sweet at NWIF2024 was announced and I could get the chance to meet both idol groups.

アイドル失格/Idol Shikkaku




Idol Shikkaku has 6 members and Choka, one of members, is from Seattle. So I think they got a chance to perform there.
I have seen them at the same venue with my oshi group. However, I couldn't see after that, so this is the first time I could watch their performances.

They performed their original songs on Day1, and each member's favorite songs on Day2. They performed many songs for 1 hour both days. Especially, when they performed the newest music "America,” not only them but also audience were so exhilarated.

At the meet & greet, I talked about why I came to Seattle on Day1 and about the first Starbucks mainly on Day2. Choka is native English speaker, so I tried to talk with her in English. I could talk what I wanted to say, but I wish I could be a better English speaker… So I'll continue to study English harder and I try to talk in English again!

Idol Shikkaku Day1
Idol Shikkaku Day2

Non Sweet




Non Sweetは今年8月に来日し、東京でライブを披露した経験もある。もしも再び日本に来てくれることがあれば、ぜひとも会いに行きたい。

As I mentioned above, Non Sweet is based on Vancouver, Canada. 4 members of them have roots of Asian countries and all of them are from different countries. BTW, one of them, Stella, can speak Japanese.

They performed only them on Day1, and performed with other idols on Day2. They got off the stage and performed near wotaku at the last music both days. So they made memorable scene with wotaku.

At the meet & greet, I talked about why I came to Seattle on Day1. Although one of members speak Japanese, I talked with all of them in English. Some members asked me why didn’t I go to meet them in Vancouver. Although I stay in Vancouver, several schedule conflicts had occured before I went to Seattle. It can’t be helped...
Due to the constraint of time, I had to limit the only one member on Day2. I chose Stella and talked with her in Japanese.

I know they have a experience of the performance in Tokyo, Japan this August. If they will have a chance to come to Japan again, I’ll definitely go and meet them!!

Non Sweet Day1
Non Sweet Day2

イベントの様子/Scenes of the event

Original Blades and goods were sold
Main Stage, chairs were also available
So many wotaku during live performances
Many LoveLive! Series goods were sold, the shop was Dia Spilits
Arcade games room
Taiko no Tatsujin in the room of arcade games
Setsuna exists
Morite2, who is related to Idol Shikkaku, came there




Actually, I participated in the wotaku event outside Japan for the first time, I really enjoyed NWIF2024. Although most of calls & responces were Japanese, there were so many guys who handle Japanese through wotaku cultures so I was surprised. And I’m glad to know that this event will be held next year in LA. Congratulations!

This is the great opportunity for me to participate in the wotaku event because I didn't think I could participate in such a event during staying abroad. There are not as many wotaku events overseas as in Japan, I think passion of wotaku per one event in Seattle is much stronger than that in Japan. I felt I was supported by overseas wotaku power so much. And I wish I could try overseas wotaku events again!!
