
友好の像60周年〜あの奇跡の再会をふりかえる~ 勝手にお祝いを始めます‼

Let's Celebrate the long-time Friendship for Libby and Hiroko and 60th Anniversary of the Friendship Statue!!  



そして60周年に当たる今年2022年。チーム『L & H サポーターズ』はお二人の友情と友好の像をオンラインでお祝いします。

On March 18, 1962, The US-Japan Girl Scout Friendship Statue was dedicated at Yamashita Park, Yokohama, Japan.
Long time after Dedication, we discovered two ladies, Libby and Hiroko, who were the models for the statue in 2013, and since then, we have been supporting their reunion and friendship.
In 2022, it is the 60th Anniversary of the statue. Now we “L & H Supporters” will celebrate the Anniversary and friendship via Online (and YouTube Live).

☆これからnote(ブログ)につぶやいていくので、フォローよろしくお願いします。 ここから→https://note.com/l_h_60aniv/
