The Virtue of Selfishness(利己主義という気概)を読む(10)
アイン・ランドの"The Virtue of Selfishness"のIntroductionの冒頭の一部を解釈していきます。これがラスト3、Introductionは(12)で(ようやく)完結となります。
Since all values have to be gained and/or kept by men’s actions, any breach between actor and beneficiary necessitates an injustice: the sacrifice of some men to others, of the actors to the nonactors, of the moral to the immoral. Nothing could ever justify such a breach, and no one ever has.
The choice of the beneficiary of moral values is merely a preliminary or introductory issue in the field of morality. It is not a substitute for morality nor a criterion of moral value, as altruism has made it. Neither is it a moral primary: it has to be derived from and validated by the fundamental premises of a moral system.
The Objectivist ethics holds that the actor must always be the beneficiary of his action and that man must act for his own rational self-interest. But his right to do so is derived from his nature as man and from the function of moral values in human life—and, therefore, is applicable only in the context of a rational, objectively demonstrated and validated code of moral principles which define and determine his actual self-interest. It is not a license “to do as he pleases” and it is not applicable to the altruists’ image of a “selfish” brute nor to any man motivated by irrational emotions, feelings, urges, wishes or whims.
Since all values have to be gained and/or kept by men’s actions, any breach between actor and beneficiary necessitates an injustice: the sacrifice of some men to others, of the actors to the nonactors, of the moral to the immoral. Nothing could ever justify such a breach, and no one ever has.
・breach: [countable, uncountable] breach of something a failure to do something that must be done by law
:以降は、an injusticeの具体例の例示と考えれれます。A, B, Cの形で並列されています。
the sacrifice of some men to others
(the sacrifice) of the actors to the nonactors
(the sacrifice) of the moral to the immoral
共通するthe sacrificeは省略されています。
no one ever hasはOの省略で
no one ever has the thing that justify such a breach
The choice of the beneficiary of moral values is merely a preliminary or introductory issue in the field of morality. It is not a substitute for morality nor a criterion of moral value, as altruism has made it. Neither is it a moral primary: it has to be derived from and validated by the fundamental premises of a moral system.
・preliminary:happening before a more important action or event
Neither is it a moral primaryのNeitherは直前の文章で否定しているmoralityとa criterion of moral valueのどちらでもないという内容です。否定語が文頭に来ているため、is it a moral primaryとV S Oの倒置形となっています。
:以下でNeither is it a moral primary(どちらも道徳的な重要事項ではない)という文の内容を具体的に説明しています。be derived from and validated byという受動態のPの前置詞のOはthe fundamental premises of a moral systemです。
The Objectivist ethics holds that the actor must always be the beneficiary of his action and that man must act for his own rational self-interest. But his right to do so is derived from his nature as man and from the function of moral values in human life—and, therefore, is applicable only in the context of a rational, objectively demonstrated and validated code of moral principles which define and determine his actual self-interest. It is not a license “to do as he pleases” and it is not applicable to the altruists’ image of a “selfish” brute nor to any man motivated by irrational emotions, feelings, urges, wishes or whims.
that the actor must always be the beneficiary …
that man must act …
第二文derived from his nature … and from the function …という並列の形になっています。—and, therefore, is applicableの部分、省略されている主語はhis right to do soと考えられます。形の上では直前の名詞句human lifeやthe functionを説明していると考えることもできますが、is applicableと続くことから意味の上で判断します。
a rational, objectively demonstrated and validated codeはそれぞれの形容詞がcodeを修飾します。which define and determine his actual self-interestはVがdefineとdetermineであることから、whichは直前の複数形の名詞principlesの代わりの名詞を指示する関係代名詞とわかります。
and it is not applicableの後にはto the altruists’ image …とto any man …の前置詞句がandによって並列されています。motivatedはany manを修飾するM1の過去分詞句。by irrational emotions, feelings, urges, wishes or whimsの部分、名詞の並列となっています。等位接続詞は等しい文の要素をつなぎます。ここでは複数形の5つの名詞をつないでいます