
The Virtue of Selfishness(利己主義という気概)を読む(11)

  アイン・ランドの"The Virtue of Selfishness"のIntroductionの冒頭の一部を解釈していきます。次の(12)でIntroductionは完結です。


 This is said as a warning against the kind of “Nietzschean egoists” who, in fact, are a product of the altruist morality and represent the other side of the altruist coin: the men who believe that any action, regardless of its nature, is good if it is intended for one’s own benefit. Just as the satisfaction of the irrational desires of others is not a criterion of moral value, neither is the satisfaction of one’s own irrational desires. Morality is not a contest of whims. (See Mr. Branden’s articles “Counterfeit Individualism” and “Isn’t Everyone Selfish?” which follow.)
 A similar type of error is committed by the man who declares that since man must be guided by his own independent judgment, any action he chooses to take is moral if he chooses it. One’s own independent judgment is the means by which one must choose one’s actions, but it is not a moral criterion nor a moral validation: only reference to a demonstrable principle can validate one’s choices.
 Just as man cannot survive by any random means, but must discover and practice the principles which his survival requires, so man’s self-interest cannot be determined by blind desires or random whims, but must be discovered and achieved by the guidance of rational principles. This is why the Objectivist ethics is a morality of rational self-interest—or of rational selfishness. Since selfishness is “concern with one’s own interests,” the Objectivist ethics uses that concept in its exact and purest sense. It is not a concept that one can surrender to man’s enemies, nor to the unthinking misconceptions, distortions, prejudices and fears of the ignorant and the irrational. The attack on “selfishness” is an attack on man’s self-esteem; to surrender one, is to surrender the other.

Rand, Ayn. The Virtue of Selfishness (English Edition). Penguin Publishing Group.

①This is said as a warning against the kind of “Nietzschean egoists” who, in fact, are a product of the altruist morality and represent the other side of the altruist coin: the men who believe that any action, regardless of its nature, is good if it is intended for one’s own benefit. ②Just as the satisfaction of the irrational desires of others is not a criterion of moral value, neither is the satisfaction of one’s own irrational desires. ③Morality is not a contest of whims. (See Mr. Branden’s articles “Counterfeit Individualism” and “Isn’t Everyone Selfish?” which follow.)




 ①who, in fact, are a product of the altruist morality and represent the other side of the altruist coinは“Nietzschean egoists”を修飾するM1と考えられ、areとrepresentがVです。the men who believeのthe menは“Nietzschean egoists”を指示すると取れます。固有名詞の反復を避けている形です。:以下で”Nietzschean egoists”を追加的に説明しています。


 ①A similar type of error is committed by the man who declares that since man must be guided by his own independent judgment, any action he chooses to take is moral if he chooses it. ②One’s own independent judgment is the means by which one must choose one’s actions, but it is not a moral criterion nor a moral validation: only reference to a demonstrable principle can validate one’s choices.


 ①who declares thatのthatは目的語とかんる名詞節を導きます。that節内でsince man must be guided by his own independent judgmentという長いM2がありますが、主語はany actionです。any action he chooses to takeはto不定詞to takeの目的語にあたる関係代名詞which(that)がactionの後に省略された形です。
 ②by whichはone must choose one’s actions by the meansのthe meansが前置詞を伴って前に出てきた形と考えられます。it is not a moral criterion nor a moral validationはnot A nor B「AでもBでもない」の形。itが指示するのはOne’s own independent judgmentです。このitは主節の主語を指示していることから省略可能です。


 ①Just as man cannot survive by any random means, but must discover and practice the principles which his survival requires, so man’s self-interest cannot be determined by blind desires or random whims, but must be discovered and achieved by the guidance of rational principles. ②This is why the Objectivist ethics is a morality of rational self-interest—or of rational selfishness. Since selfishness is “concern with one’s own interests,” the Objectivist ethics uses that concept in its exact and purest sense. It is not a concept that one can surrender to man’s enemies, nor to the unthinking misconceptions, distortions, prejudices and fears of the ignorant and the irrational. The attack on “selfishness” is an attack on man’s self-esteem; to surrender one, is to surrender the other.


 ①文頭のM2のJust as man cannot survive by any random means, but must discover and practice the principles which his survival requiresはmanが主語でPはcannot surviveとmust discover and practiceです。the principles which his survival requiresのwhichは目的語にあたる関係代名詞ですがここでは省略されていません。主節の主語はman’s self-interestはcannot be determined by blind desires or random whims, but must be discovered and achievedとcannot be determinedとmust be discoveredがPとなっているJust asのM2の説と同様の構造です。
 ②This is whyはThis is the reason whyのthe reasonが省略されている形です。It is not a conceptのitは形式主語でthat節が真の主語です。surrender to man's enemiesとto the unthinking misconceptions, distortions, prejudices and fearsという形で並列されています。of the ignorant and the irrationalで前置詞のM1のかたまりで、the unthinking misconceptions, distortions, prejudices and fearsを説明しています。

