The Virtue of Selfishness(利己主義という気概)を読む(6)
アイン・ランドの"The Virtue of Selfishness"のIntroductionの冒頭の一部を解釈していきます。
Observe what this beneficiary-criterion of morality does to a man’s life. The first thing he learns is that morality is his enemy; he has nothing to gain from it, he can only lose; self-inflicted loss, self-inflicted pain and the gray, debilitating pall of an incomprehensible duty is all that he can expect. He may hope that others might occasionally sacrifice themselves for his benefit, as he grudgingly sacrifices himself for theirs, but he knows that the relationship will bring mutual resentment, not pleasure—and that, morally, their pursuit of values will be like an exchange of unwanted, unchosen Christmas presents, which neither is morally permitted to buy for himself. Apart from such times as he manages to perform some act of self-sacrifice, he possesses no moral significance: morality takes no cognizance of him and has nothing to say to him for guidance in the crucial issues of his life; it is only his own personal, private, “selfish” life and, as such, it is regarded either as evil or, at best, amoral.
Observe what this beneficiary-criterion of morality does to a man’s life. The first thing he learns is that morality is his enemy; he has nothing to gain from it, he can only lose; self-inflicted loss, self-inflicted pain and the gray, debilitating pall of an incomprehensible duty is all that he can expect.
単語の意味はOxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 10th Editionから引用しています。
debilitating:making somebody’s body or mind weaker
pall: [usually singular] pall of something a thick dark cloud of something
inflict:to make somebody/something suffer something unpleasant
第一文、what this beneficiary-criterion of morality doesのwhatは目的格の複合関係代名詞で名詞節を導きます。この名詞節は、主節においてはObserveに対するOとなります。
第二文、it(=this beneficiary-criterion of morality)を指示すると考えられます。and the grayの部分、ここは後に続く名詞のpallを修飾しています。,(カンマ)があることによって形容詞の修飾する対象がやや捉えづらいところです。all that he can expectはall that S Vと決まった表現と考えてもいいでしょう。thatはしばしば省略されます。有名な歌詞のフレーズにもあるように、
All I want for Christmas is you.
He may hope that others might occasionally sacrifice themselves for his benefit, as he grudgingly sacrifices himself for theirs, but he knows that the relationship will bring mutual resentment, not pleasure—and that, morally, their pursuit of values will be like an exchange of unwanted, unchosen Christmas presents, which neither is morally permitted to buy for himself
grudgingly:in a way that is given or done unwillingly
再帰代名詞themselvesが指示するのはothersです。for his benefitは「交換のfor」と呼ばれる用法で「と交換に」。asで始まる節についても、sacrifice 再帰代名詞 forという構造を反復しています。よって、theirsはtheir benefitと考えられます。—and that, morally, their pursuit of valuesの部分はbutの直後の文をより具体的に説明しており、thatの前にhe knowsが省略されていると考えられます。their pursuit of valuesはthey pursue valuesが名詞化したものと捉えることもでき、解釈だけでなく訳す際もそう捉えると自然になると思います。, whichは目的格の非制限用法の関係代名詞でM1としてChristmas presentsを修飾していると考えられます。
Apart from such times as he manages to perform some act of self-sacrifice, he possesses no moral significance: morality takes no cognizance of him and has nothing to say to him for guidance in the crucial issues of his life; it is only his own personal, private, “selfish” life and, as such, it is regarded either as evil or, at best, amoral.
take cognizance of something: (law) to understand or consider something; to take notice of something
as such:as the word is usually understood; in the exact sense of the word
amoral:not following any moral rules and not caring about right and wrong
such A as Bは例示の表現で、Bは名詞であることが多いのですが、今回のように文が続くこともできます。asが接続詞であることを捉えていれば、名詞以外の要素が続くことを理解できるでしょう。
for guidance in the crucial issues of his lifeが修飾するスコープは文と文をつなぐandがあることからhas nothing to say to himです。it is only his own personal以降の文、personal, private, "selfish"であることがevil, amoralであるとみなされるということです。