
How to make 1092 strong
I was ask to make a list of thing I want changed. In reality I would like to try to talk some since into everyone. In real life. I retired from the Navy. I went into industry as an engineer afterward. I ended my career as a trainer specializing in team building. I present my list here with some follow up comments. Many are critical of what is happening on 1092. My goal and hope is that cooler heads will prevail. To start with the list.

  1. Reinstall full NAP.
    A. Start by ceasing all war actions including KE to give all time to recover and negotiate the peace.
    B.All alliances call out and stop all name calling belittling and demeaning behavior.

  2. Instead of preying on small players greet them with open arms and offer them the training to play the game.
    A. Invite players to a training alliance to learn bubble discipline.
    B. Run rallies to give them the resources to grow.
    C. Teach them the nuances of the game such as research, generals, power, etc.

  3. Set up a council that cares about growing all players instead of themselves.
    A. Really invite all all alliances to join the council instead of just saying you do.
    B. Council members should moderate WC and make there is an all inclusive atmosphere and all feel welcome.
    I have been playing this game for a long time and I know people have a tendency to let their inner evils out here because they can do so anonymously. In real life they would be outcast and ostracized if they acted like that. We should make it clear that type of behavior cannot be tolerated just like in the real world. Go play a first person shooter if you want to act like that. In reality 1092 is a community and should conduct itself as one.
    If you want to make 1092 a power house that will rule in SVS, it is a good goal for which to strive. If you really want to attain that goal make 1092 all one team working together to attain that goal. Stop all behavior that causes hard feelings, including KE. Only players that do not join the team should be attacked and only during KE. Any player that is in an alliance with representation on the council should be off limits including during KE. Bubbled or not. Peace treaties are an expense in this game and should be stock piled for SVS. Use KE to teach bubble discipline. KE should not be the free for all It is currently. Bubble drops should be addressed but from within the alliance first. Someone should not be raped and pillaged for everything they have worked for because real life dealt them a blow and they let their bubble drop. Even if they forgot about it that still should not be an excuse to rape them.
    Make sure that an alliance has a chance to be represented. I worked for 6 weeks building a team. I was never invited to the council and could not even find out how the council worked or who was on it. Every time I tried I was laughed at or belittled. I was called a crybaby and told to go play something else. Then I was manipulated into handing over my alliance to one of the big three and still never told I was allowed a seat on the council. I hand it over to try to minimize the aggression. I didn’t find out until I started to call out the council and the power players that I was supposed to have been allowed on the council. Thus the council didn’t follow its own rules. This is the face that 1092 presents to the new players. Players often struggling to survive the rape and pillage that occurs on 1092. Then having to endure the laughing and demeaning behavior they experience when they send out a cry for help. That cry for help should say here is a player who cares and wants to play. Instead of being told they are a cry baby and go somewhere else. No wonder there is so much hate and discontent here. The players that have stayed have picked up the thrown gauntlet and said “Ok you want a fight I’ll give you one.”. You wonder why you have so many rogue players. You are reaping what you have sown. There is a reason this type of behavior is not allowed in the real world because anarchy is the result when everyone lets those inner demons run amok.
    I have been hard on SOB in WC that is true. It is not that I hold a grudge against SOB, so much as what their name and alliance page represents. I do not believe that all SOB players are bad people. I don’t believe any are bad people. But Its alliance pace is the essence of behavior that we should be trying to stop if we really want a strong SVS team. SOB wants to call out the rogue players but in reality the entire alliance became rogue players through their unilateral declaration “It we can’t gather then no one can gather”. If they stop and think about they should be able to see that. In reality there is plenty of blame to go around. It is not all SOBs fault. It is the fault of reactionaries on all sides. If you really want a strong SVS team 1092 must start policing itself. Starting with rules calling for basic good behavior as expected in real life.
    And lastly the council should make sure that all players are held accountable for their actions. And that no one alliance should be able to dictate to the server how things are going to be. If you want a strong SVS team you should model 1092 after a corporate or military team and do the following:
    1. Lay out team goals. (Example: rule in SVS)
    2. Break out tasks and assign sub teams to perform those tasks.
    3. Elect facilitators to over see those tasks
    4. Sub teams should make regular reports on status of those tasks
    All players should be invited to join the team. If they refuse, and plenty will, then there are your KE targets. But all hostilities should stop the instant someone asks for them to or cries out for help. They should be met with a calm cool head and anyone not offering the help should be the bad guy. Not the one crying out for help. Keep your inner demons in check and keep everyone working toward the same goal. SVS.
    Lastly I have witnessed examples of good behavior and teamwork here on 1092. I guarantee you that no other server is run the way I am proposing. If we really work to get her we can become the number one SVS server. It must start with burying that hatchet by all and working together to make it happen. The must be commits made and goals set out with strategies to attain those goals. I believe 1092 is capable of attaining this goal be cause it started out on the right foot with the NAP. I do believe it deteriorated to they chaos we currently see because of simple human nature and lack of good mediation. Cooler heads have to step up and take a stand to stop the animosity. I believe we can make it happen. Do you?

