Various Color Models 様々なカラーモデル

RGB on devices

The values we usually use on devices and in coding can be thought of as a specific range that can be reproduced on the actual device cut out from the XYZ color space.

When expressing color with numbers, it is crucial to understand what they represent. If CIE RGB and XYZ are absolute values indipendent from devices, the RGB values that we normally use are local values set for each device.
色を数値で表す際にはその値が何を表しているのかを理解することが重要です。CIE RGBやXYZが機器に左右されない、ある意味絶対的な数値だとすれば、普段使うRGBは機器ごとに設定されたローカルな値です。

If we map the darkest color (black), brightest color (white), and the purest red, green, and blue that a device can represent to XYZ values, we get a hexahedron in the XYZ color space (8 vertices are needed, the rest are magenta, cyan, and yellow, and these values (Actually we need 8 vertices, but the rest - magenta, cyan, and yellow can be calculated from other colors).

Technically we can crop any range, but we don't want the results to vary from device to device. Standards such as sRGB and AdobeRGB define which range of XYZ the RGB values correspond (or should correspond) to. If a device uses sRGB, it means that the RGB values on the device are adjusted to be as close as possible to the XYZ values defined by the standard.

If devices are set to use a different standards, or if they are not calibrated correctly, a same set of RGB values will produce different colors.

Most devices use the sRGB created in 1996 or similar color space. Many of modern devices can actually display much wider ranges of colors, but they seem to default to the older standard for compatibility.

If we cut out the range of sRGB from the XYZ cube, it looks like this.

Seeing this as a cube, it looks like this. これを立方体として捉えるとこうなります。

sRGB and XYZ can be converted as follows.

$${\begin{bmatrix}R \\ G \\ B\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 3.2404542 & -1.5371385 & -0.4985314 \\ -0.9692660 & 1.8760108 & 0.0415560 \\ 0.0556434 & -0.2040259 & 1.0572252 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}X \\ Y \\ Z\end{bmatrix}}$$

$${\begin{bmatrix}X \\ Y \\ Z\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 0.4124564 & 0.3575761 & 0.1804375 \\ 0.2126729 & 0.7151522 & 0.0721750 \\ 0.0193339 & 0.1191920 & 0.9503041 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}R \\ G \\ B\end{bmatrix}}$$

Since sRGB is gamma-corrected, when moving to XYZ, the values must be converted to linear values before applying the formula above. Let me delegate the explanation to Wikipedia since it can be pretty long.

Strictly speaking, the coversion looks like this for each RGB value.

$${C_{sRGB} = \begin{cases} 12.92 C_{linear} (C_{linear} \le 0.0031308) \\ 1.055 C_{linear} ^ {1/2.4}(C_{linear} > 0.0031308) \end{cases}}$$

$${C_{linear} = \begin{cases} \frac{C_{sRGB}}{12.92}, & \text{if } C_{sRGB} \leq 0.04045 \\ \left(\frac{C_{sRGB} + 0.055}{1.055}\right)^{2.4}, & \text{if } C_{sRGB} > 0.04045 \end{cases}}$$

They are often approximated by the following equations (I used this one on the demos on this page).

$${C_{sRGB} = C_{linear}^{1/2.2}}$$

$${C_{Linear} = C_{sRGB}^{2.2}}$$

You can find conversions between XYZ and other various RGB standers here.

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Munsell color system

While RGB is direct and convenient because it matches the device mechanism, it is not the most straightforward way to describe colors. It is often not very easy to imagine what color an RGB value represents.

Let's look at the Munsell color system as an example of a more intuitive expression, though it is not a color system used on computers. The Munsell color system is based on a model published in 1905 by the American painter and educator Albert Munsell.

The system expresses a color in terms of three attributes: hue (such as red, blue, and green), value (lightness), and chroma (vividness or purity of the color), and is still widely used today.

In this figure, the vertical axis corresponds to lightness, the distance from the center to chroma, and the center angle to hue. Since the system is designed to match the visual sensation and the numerical value as much as possible, it does not have a simple cylindrical shape like the HSV we will look at in the next section, and there are gaps here and there. For example, pure blue appears much darker than white, so there is no blue with both high value and chroma. On the other hand, pure yellow is found in a much brighter position.


HSV or HSB (Hue, Saturation, Value/Brightness) and HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) reproduce this concept of hue, saturation (similar to chroma), and lightness in a form that can be converted relatively easily from RGB. There are variations in how brightness is handled. Here we will look at HSV represented by following formulas.
この色相、彩度、明度という考え方をRGBから比較的簡単に変換できる形で再現したのがHSVまたはHSB(Hue, Saturation, Value/Brightness)やHSL(Hue, Saturation, Lightness)です。明るさの値をどう扱うかでバリエーションがあるのですが、ここでは下記の式で表されるHSVを代表にします。

H circles around in 360 degrees from red as zero, then in the order yellow, green, cyan, blue, and magenta. V and S are usually expressed as values in the [0-1] or [0-100] range. In the formulas below, each RGB value and V and S are in the 0-1 value range.Hは赤をゼロとして黄色、緑、シアン、青、マゼンタの順に360度で一周します。VとSは大抵 [0-1] か [0-100] の範囲の値で表されます。下記の式ではRGBの各値とV、Sは0-1を値域とします。


$${M = \max(R, G, B)}$$
$${m = \min(R, G, B)}$$
$${C = \operatorname{range}(R, G, B) = M - m}$$
$${H' = \begin{cases} \text{undefined}, &\text{if } C = 0 \\ \frac{G - B}{C}\mod 6, &\text{if } M = R \\ \frac{B - R}{C} + 2, &\text{if } M = G \\ \frac{R - G}{C} + 4, &\text{if } M = B \end{cases}}$$
$${H = 60^\circ \times H'}$$


$${V = \max(R, G, B) = M}$$


$${S_V = \begin{cases} 0, &\text{if } V = 0 \\ \frac{C}{V}, &\text{otherwise}\end{cases}}$$

While HSV is pretty useful for drawing a rainbow color wheel, it does not reflect differences in saturation and lightness by hue as does the Munsell color system. It tends to deviate from human perception, for example, even if the value is the same, the apparent brightness varies considerably depending on the hue.

CIE LAB (Lab*)

CIE LAB is a color space established in 1976 by CIE that has defined XYZ color space, and like XYZ, it is device-independent. CIE LAB describes colors in terms of brightness (L*) and red/green (a*) and yellow/blue (b*) hue values.
CIE LABはXYZ色空間を作ったCIEによって1976年に制定された色空間です。XYZと同じくデバイスに依存しない色空間で、明るさ (L*) と赤/緑 (a*) と黄/青 (b*) の色相値で色を記述します。

Like the Munsell color system, the L* values correspond well to the brightness that humans see. It is also perceptually more even, i.e., changes in color values match well with the changes in color as perceived by humans.

See the pages below for CIE LAB and XYZ conversions.
CIE LABとXYZの変換は下記のページを参照してください。

XYZ to Lab - Bruce Lindbloom
Lab to XYZ - Bruce Lindbloom

The cube above is not accurate because CIELAB includes colors beyond the range that can be displayed on a screen or even perceived by humans. The area within sRGB is shown below.

Computing Colors 色を計算する

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