
today i searched for about the problem a foreinor's living and working in japan.
in this case, the biggest problem is living is differ from traveling.
how to gain money ?
how to get a job ?
and i hv read the writen by another ppl's experience how to living in japan, too.

then i thought a method, but i recognized i hv to ask u some question.
ur hope is to reset and restart ur own life. is it true ?
for doing well your plan, you hope to been in japan and working ?
ur real family knows ur thought and plan ?
especially your dad knows it ? what did he talk to u ?

because we know that over 50's ppl getting job is so hard, even if he can speak japanese very well.
this stoty is true. there is a lot of young chinese ethnic who wants getting job in japan. and they can speak japanese very well.

now, i'm face to the another side to grab another method.
