「あの夜、エンドロールが終わっても拍手はいつまでも鳴り止まらなかった」 バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー裏話 vol.1
ハリウッド コレクターズ コンベンション No.18「バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー」パーティ 参加レポート
LEA: Hey, you guys! Thanks for being here! I’m so excited!
CHRIS: Yeah…
THOM: Before Chris beats, I would say, it’s a great pleasure to see you all. And it’s wonderful for us to see the work we did so long ago has meant so much to audience that spreads around the world. We really appreciate what our work has meant to you to come out like this. So thank you.
CHRIS: What? …Yes, it’s a real pleasure to be here. And I don’t know how many I’ve had an event like this…It’s incredible all have a dinner together. And we are grateful to meet you all to spend time together. it’s great, Thank you.
Q1. 公開30年後にも愛される作品になりましたが、撮影中などに「これは後世に残る作品になる」と感じた瞬間はありましたか?
CHRIS: When they opened, it was a smash hit…was a clue.
LEA: I loved the script. I thought the script was great. Also that, Steven Spielberg and Robert Zemeckis were involved. But it’s rare that such magic comes together and such wonderful actors just bit their parts perfectly.
CHRIS: And it’s rare that the magic keeps all going like this film…I don’t know many other films in my lifetime which is longer than anybody else here…has the impact, BTTF trilogy has. I keep the kids who are seeing for the first time, or recently seeing for the first time, somebody the other day had children 4~5 years old who saw for the first time…and they totally hooked. This just keeps going from 1985 and it doesn’t stop. The film comes out and you were successful but it will pass away. But this one refuses to give up.
THOM: And my point to this gentleman’s question, there was a clue that would be a very major hit or above. The first night any of us saw it, it was in Hollywood and it was a big audience of invited guests from Hollywood who work in the film industry and everything. And they are usually a difficult audience. They are judgemental. They look to judge this would be good or bad. And the movie played, and the movie finished. And the entire audience, was just excited applauds! Very excited applauds! They did not stop! They just kept applauded, and applauded through the whole the credits around! Just applauding! They applauded as the curtains drew across the screen and closed. And everyone there was just reaching to each other ‘That was just fantastic!!’. And I think everyone involved was ‘Oh, we hoped this would be good but I…’. You know, and for me, I was very young so was like ‘Is this how people react to the movies?’ But no, this was not how people react to the movies. They reacted VERY strongly. And then, that was the first clue that this may be something bigger than just another good movies.
トム:これがメガヒットになるだろうと感じたのは、一般公開される前の試写会の時でした。招待客の多くは映画産業に従事している人たちで、一般的に難しい観客です。なぜなら彼らは作品の良し悪しを審査するような視点で見るからです。しかし上映が終わり、エンドロールが流れ、幕が閉じた後もずっと熱狂的な拍手が鳴り止まなかったのです! 拍手喝采です。そして観客がお互い駆け寄って「素晴らしい作品だったね!」と言い合っているのを目にしました。私たち関係者も「いい作品になるとは思ってたけど、これほどとは...」という感じで。当時、私は若かったので「普通の試写会ってこういう感じなの?」と思ったのですが、こんな良い反応は通常ないんです。その時に「これはただの良い作品とは一線を画している」と予感しました。