
【What is DomaineUCHIDA? #02】

(If you haven't read #01 yet, please read it before this.)

First Vintage 2015 - we got lucky with great weather

Mr Uchida: I rented a vineyard and borrowed the tools I didn't have from the grape farmers around me. I thought I would give up if I didn't do well with the first vintage. So, 2015 was a triumphant year for me.

-In recent years, I think the 2015 vintage was the best. Luck was on your side, and it was good timing too.

Mr Uchida: I really think so too. If my first vintage had been like 2017, I probably wouldn't be making wine today (laughs) because DomainUCHIDA didn't actually have a vintage in 2017.

-And you released 『Miracle』, which was made from 100% Cabernet Sauvignon and used the method of *Maceration Carbonic, which is rare in the Médoc area.

Mr Uchida: It isn't a technical method for me. In comparison to other wines in Médoc, my vineyard isn't as deep nor provides the same full-bodied nuances, so it is characterised by the by the fruitiness of the Cabernet Sauvignon. In common Médoc wine, Cabernet Sauvignon is used as a heavy and strong tannin variety; but for example, in Loire it is used as a rosé wine. In order to make the most of our own grapes' characteristics, we introduced the Maceration Carbonic manufacturing method.

*Maceration Carbonic ・・・Is a form of whole bunch fermentation, when whole bunches of uncrushed grapes are used in fermentation of red wines. It is most commonly associated with the Gamay grape and Beaujolais wines, although not exclusively. According to Decanter’s tasting notes decoded, ‘In these processes, esters such as ethyl cinnamate are produced in higher quantities than normal, lending flavours such as raspberry, strawberry, and bubblegum.’ (Sourced from Decanter.com)


(His representative work『Miracle』)

About Wine Making

-What is the most memorable event you've encountered since making wine?

Mr Uchida: A certain German journalist visited my winery after I released my first vintage in 2015. At that time, I was an unknown winemaker because I had just released it. However, he said "it is good" when he tasted my wine. After that, he presented my wine in Germany, and I was glad about it. I realised that if I did my best, someone would be watching me.

-Do you have any particulars when it comes to making wine?

Mr Uchida: I do things that come naturally to me. For example, when we finish work, we might find grape skin stuck on the tank. Some people leave it, but I wipe it off and clean it. The politeness and hygiene that Japanese people have is an important thing to me.


-Please tell me about your passion for wine.

Mr Uchida: Good grapes make good wine. I want to know the wonders of agriculture through wine, and I am also aware of sustainable agriculture. As I have a field which is near a forest, it is rich in biodiversity, and I want to ensure that we make wine while coexisting with nature.


(This is a mushroom that Mr Uchida took from a forest near his vineyard. It is called "Pied de Mouton.")

-Do you have any plans to expand your vineyard in the future?

Mr Uchida: Yes. I've already bought a vineyard in Merlot, which had its first harvest this year. I hope I'll be able to expand it more. 

-You are currently shifting to *Biodynamic farming now. What made you think of changing?

Mr Uchida: I'd decided that I would make wine without any chemicals or pesticides since my first home stay. Since I started making wine in Loire, I have been using **biological farming methods, but I definitely only use a minimum amount of pesticides as it is myself who suffers the most from the use of pesticides. It's very harmful for me as I need to wear thick protective clothing to use it. Biodynamic farming uses natural products without any pesticides, which means it's a great alternative, and the reason why I shifted was for my own health. In order to continue making wine in the future, you must stay healthy. And because I was part of the track and field club in high school, I still exercise regularly even now.

*Biodynamic・・・The official definition of biodynamic farming, according to the Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association, is “a spiritual-ethical-ecological approach to agriculture, gardens, food production and nutrition.” Biodynamic wine is made with a set of farming practices that views the farm or vineyard as one solid organism. (Sourced from Vine Pair).
**Biological・・・A biological wine is a wine which was grown organically and insists that the winemakers not use any type of chemical products. 95% of the grapes used must have been grown biologically in order to be regarded as a biological wine.(Sourced by Wine Tour Booking)

-You participate in the Médoc marathon every year now. Your costume was very impressive.

Mr Uchida: I joined the marathon after my friend told me about it. I had to practice for it because I'd never run in France; however, due to all the hard practice I had in high school, I think I was able to run more than ordinary people from the beginning. There is no waste in human life. There is a sense that all the dots are connected, forming a line. For example, I am able to use my running experience now, and recently, my work in guiding has also increased; I am able to use the experience of visiting more than 300 wineries by motorbike for it. At the time, there was no GPS so I would get lost and couldn't get to wineries on time. But now, when I'm riding a bus, I can tell the driver right away if he gets lost.


(Every year he joins the marathon with the costume he made)

-What is your motto?

Mr Uchida:『The people who know the locals are the true international people』The world is a collection of small local groups that make up one big world. I am a farmer and have lived in one land for a long time, but living in one place has has helped me notice little things. For example, vineyards in Pauillac aren't flat but have many slopes. I think that people who work in agriculture are more international than businessmen who fly around the world.

-Finally what is wine for you?

Mr Uchida: It's a secret until I'm famous...(laughs)


This time, I talked with Mr Uchida who makes wine in Médoc. What surprised me when I arrived at his winery is that it is located next to the brewery of Chateau Mouton Rothschild (laughs).

After tasting his wine, I went to see the vineyard. Because it was the season of mushroom picking, I interviewed Mr Uchida while we walked in the forest and he hunted for mushrooms.

After tasting his wine, I think people who are used to drinking Médoc wine will be shocked. The original fruitiness of Cabernet Sauvignon is firmly expressed in the wine. 

If you're interested in Mr Uchida's wine, please check out his website!

Domaine UCHIDA

【Representative】 Osamu Uchida/Wine maker

【Adress】9 rue des verdots 33250 Pauillac FRANCE

Tel: 09-51-26-27-14 Portable: 06-10-89-78-04

E-mail: info@winers-uchida.com
