同じ人物にも感情や時々の感覚により意識や視点。まるで人格さえ異なるのだから。 。 。
毎瞬毎瞬 莫大な量の storyが この世界に生み出されていることになる。瞬く星々のごとくに✨
ご存知の通り 物語 には便宜上
はじまり と おわりがあるが、
途中から頁を繰り 途中でまた頁を閉じたとしても 物語は storyは続いている。
安易に過去のその物語になぞらえて方向性を。所謂 経験という運命にゆだねることも良いのでしょう。
私としては往生際悪く最後までジタバタとしたいので、この物語には いくつかの道を配置したい。
私の 一度きりのこの生を。
Happy Endのstory。
物語は 今日もつづく。。
if you think of life as a story
There is only a story about the number of people.
The same person's consciousness and point of view depends on their feelings and feelings, as if their personalities were different.
Every moment, a huge amount of stories are created in this world.a twinkling starlike haze
As you know, story is convenient.
There's a beginning and an end.
In fact, there is a sequel to every story.
The story continues, even if you close the page in the middle.
You can draw the rest freely.
Easily compare the direction with the story of the past.I think it's also good to leave it to the fate of experience.
I'd like to put a few streets in this story, because I'm going to wait until the end of my life.
Prepare your way back in case you get lost.
The main stream and the branch may be connected by a side road.
You draw the end of the story for yourself.
My only life.
I think it's okay to give it a try.There are things I can't resist.
The story of Happy End.
I want to draw it.
It's just now.
Let's talk about the heroine's magnificent story.
The story continues today.