ハワイから日本での学び 不動産テックで感じたプログラミングの「楽しさ」《インタビュー Vol.16》
ウッディ はい。歩いて10分くらいで海に行ける、良いところです。色々な国の人が集まっているので、かなりインターナショナルな環境でした。
ウッディ 理由は2つあります。1つは、コロナの影響で授業が全てオンラインになり、ハワイの魅力を味わえなくなったこと。もう1つは日本で自分の語学力が通用するかを判断したくなったこと。日本にルーツがあるので、日本語への関心があり友人と勉強をしていたんです。
ウッディ 11月まで、外資系企業の長期エンジニアインターンに参加しました。12月になってもコロナが落ち着かずハワイに戻る理由もなかったので、新しいインターンを始めよう!と考え、他のエンジニアインターンを探しました。
ウッディ インターン生の人数の多さに驚きました!以前やっていたインターンでは、僕以外にインターン生はいませんでした。30~50歳の社員ばかりだったので、いえらぶの若い人ばかりの環境が新鮮に映りました。
ウッディ 自分より若い子が多いことが印象的でした。19歳でも既にインターンをやっていることがすごいと思います。また、プログラミング未経験の子でも1から開発していることに驚きました。インターン生のポテンシャルも、エンジニアを育成するいえらぶのカリキュラムもすごいと思いましたね。
ウッディ そこまで不満はありません。いえらぶのインターンをやってよかったと思っています。
ウッディ いえらぶのインターンはおすすめできます!
ウッディ いえらぶでバイトを続けます。秋にはハワイに戻って、来年に大学を卒業する予定です。
ウッディ 海外から日本にくる子に向けてお伝えします。
English version is below.
To Japan from the Aloha State - The "Fun" of Programming at Real Estate Tech 《Interview Vol.16》.
Brigham Young University - Hawaii
From Hawaii to Japan
Only Accomplishable Offline
-- Woody, you're currently enrolled in a university in Hawaii, aren't you!
Woody: Yes. It's a great place, and you can walk to the beach in about 10 minutes. There are people from many different countries there, so it was quite an international environment.
For university, I am majoring in Information Systems, which combines IT and business.
I also had a part-time job in IT Operations, where I was in charge of IT support for the computer equipment on campus.
-- I'm so jealous you could learn in such a great environment! Why did you come to Japan while living in Hawaii as a university student?
Woody: There were two reasons: one was that my classes were all online due to Corona (COVID-19), and I couldn't experience the perks of being in Hawaii. The other reason is that I wanted to test my language skills in a business environment. Since I have roots in Japan, I was interested in the Japanese language and had practiced it with my friends.
The change in environment due to the Coronavirus made me want to take on a new challenge, and I decided to come to Japan.
-- So that's what happened. What was your life like right after you came to Japan?
Woody: I participated in a long-term engineering internship at a company in the automotive industry until November, and by December, Coronavirus had not settled down and I had no reason to return to Hawaii at the time, so I decided to start a new internship! So I looked for other engineering internships.
Impressions from the Internship
-- So you found IELOVE from among them! What was it like to actually participate in this internship?
Woody: I was surprised at the number of interns! At my previous internship, I was the only intern and most of the employees were people in their 30’s-50’s so when I came to IELOVE I was surprised at how young everyone was.
-- Definitely! Woody is in the fourth group of interns, so there are more than 30 interns ahead of you, right?
Woody: Yeah!
-- Now that you've made it this far through the internship, please tell us about the things that have left an impression on you and the difficulties you've faced.
Woody: I was impressed by the fact that there are so many people younger than me; I think it's amazing that even 19-year-olds are already doing internships. I was also surprised to see that even students with no programming experience were developing from scratch. I was impressed by the potential of the interns and the curriculum in place to train engineers.
The hardest part was the last project I worked on in boot camp. I had to create a page from scratch. What I had learned so far didn't work and I had no idea how to do it...!
I completed the development by referring to already existing code, looking it up on the web, and when I just couldn't figure a problem out, I asked an employee.
-- So there were times when you felt knowledgeable and there were times when you felt like you hit a wall.
-- By the way, is there anything you would recommend to improve the internship?
Woody: I really think that this internship is great and do not have any particular improvement points. I am glad that I did this internship at IELOVE.
I didn't really enjoy programming in school. When you write code in the classroom it is hard because you just write code but the code you write doesn’t solve real-world problems.
At IELOVE, I found programming to be fun! Because I was involved in the development of IELOVE-Cloud, a business support system, I felt that I was able to create something that could solve someone's problem. I was able to learn from other interns, employees, and many other people, and it has been a very rewarding experience.
Would You Recommend this Internship to Exchange Students?
-- I think this has been a very great interview so far! Changing the subject, is there anything you would like to tell those who will be joining the internship program?
Woody: I would definitely recommend interning at IELOVE!
I had an image that at Japanese companies if you don't use super respectful language (keigo) all the time, that they would get frustrated and upset with you. This was not the case at all at IELOVE. Everyone is really nice.
I would definitely recommend this internship to international students as well, however, I think it would be difficult if you cannot speak Japanese to some extent.
-- We are making changes to make IELOVE a more global internship!
-- Now that you have graduated from the internship program, do you have any plans for the future?
Woody: I will continue to work part-time at IELOVE for awhile. I do however, plan to return to Hawaii in the fall and graduate from university next year.
Eventually, I would like to find a job as an engineer at a large international IT company.
IT is an area where you can always learn something new. I am excited and want to learn more about this industry, and I want to work to make great IT services as an engineer.
-- That sounds great!
-- Do you have closing thoughts?
Woody: I would like to direct this at those who come to Japan from overseas.
There are a lot of things you may not understand at first, but the most important thing is to "challenge" yourself.
It can be hard to learn Japanese and other things, but I think it's better to challenge yourself during your short time as a student.
Let's continue to take on new challenges!
To Summarize…
Woody is often soft-spoken and loved by the interns.
He also has a lot passion,
and it has been my pleasure to have been able to work with him!
Our remaining time together is limited,
but I hope we can continue to help improve each other.