
[人生]"fake it till you make it"

The article told me that the behaviors make your scene. 
Even in difficult, or suffering situation, fake yourself as you want to be. It may make your mind. Encouraging yourself, behaving as you wish will make the situation as you want. 

It is true that the article says, but I want to say it is not applicable for anytime anyone.

As we know, sometimes we have to bear inevitable coincidences. These kind of situation may not good for this approach. 

From my experiences, behaving myself really works.

I pretended like a wise guy. For getting higher sight of life and get some chance to get myself achieved.

Yes. I could get into some incredible places more than I wanted. So many guys helped me to go there.

However, it is not always applicable.

Actually, I had encountered  inevitable and helpless occasion for several years.

Now I am able to say what I had faced.

Once upon a time, I was in hospital for several month, again and again.

I had to be in bed for dripping infusion.

From this experience, I couldn't startup my social life as I wanted. Moreover, nearly a kind of failure, some says.

Whatever I thought or behaved, occasion was not to be changed.

Faking doesn't work at that time. But being true to myself worked. 

The words from this article didn't work for me. You may think it is opposite from what the article says.

I think it is a kind of two sides of a coin.

With a cow's nest view, these two occurs from the same mind "act as what you need".

When you want to have a chance, act as a person of success.
Play tough.

When you want to be helped, just say what you need.
Don't dissemble yourself.

These two are to be used creatively for each occasions.

I suppose.
