
Yuliverse Strategy

Nice to meet you, my name is rinrin. I am usually active in Defi and NFT trading. This time I played BCG for the first time in a while, so I summarized my strategies and thoughts on the game. (Game mode #1 , 50 hours of playing time) *I am Japanese and my English is not good, so there may be some funny expressions, but please forgive me!
I can't read more than 400 words! Golla! If you can't read more than 400 characters, you can play if you read only the first half.
The second half may have secret information⁉?
Part1: How to start - how to play efficiently
Part2: VC, partners, etc.
Pare3: Discussion about status and parties

Table of Contents

Part I

  • Which one should I buy first?

  • What should I do?

  • How much money can I make!

  • Precautions (Important)


  • VCs and partners

  • Team Background

  • Roadmap

  • Positive Talk

  • Strategy

  • Gamemode Strategy

  • Muffled talk (💦)


  • Party Organization

  • Detailed stating discussion

Reference links

Which one should I buy first?

  1. buy a prototype and try it out
    If you don't know anything at all, you should buy 1 to 3 prototypes (like a trial version) and try the application yourself. (Explained in 2.)

  2. 5 attributes of yuli
    The yuliverse is buffed by 10% when you collect yuli of 5 different attributes. The rarity of the 5 different types of yuli is irrelevant, so use 3 high rarity yuli + 2 prototype yuli to get 5 different attributes!

  3. Why 3 high rarity yuli?
    Because the yuliverse can only be set up once a day (3 characters) (reset at 5am every morning).
    *Considering the bleed feature, 2 OR 4 characters might be fine, but, well, 3 is fine. I'll put a detailed explanation of this in the part3 of the discussion.

  4. so? Which rare realey is the most cost-effective?
    Based on the current floor, common.
    If you have the assets to spare, buying Uncommon OR Super Rare is a possibility! (but the list is quite small, so check the activity to make sure you don't buy at an outlier price).
    Which should I buy, opened character or box?
    Normal box is only 5% of the total, and it will be moved up to uncommon, so please think about the floor of Marketplace.
    Rare box will go down to common at 10% and up at 5%!
    If it swings down, you will start negative $600 immediately, so it is not recommended for those who don't have enough money.

Initial sale box price (25% off the list price for the first sale)common 150$ / uncommon 750$ / super rare 3,750$ (no discount at this time)Next sale will be around Christmas time (no discount at that time)For more information on the rarity of yuli from the mystery box and the value you can earn for each rarity, please refer to @pancopa3's summary.https://twitter.com/pancopa3/status/1595222481731665920

What should I do!

(You can change yuli with the red arrow)

Daily Task (Repeat in the order of 1 to 7 every day)

1.Pick up the blue dot (experience) pointed by the yellow arrow (it glows gold when you get close to it and you can pick it up). 125xp per character per day, roughly 10-15 pieces per day to reach max.

2,Level up yuli. You will receive 3 status points when you level up. The way to assign them is "1110" or "0210" from the top (the former is recommended by the CEO, the latter is the one that is said to be good on the Discord. I recommend the former)

3.Pick up the blue floating ones (Terra) indicated by the green arrow (you can pick them up if you get close to them as in 1). 

4.Pick up as many Terra as the number of shields indicated by the blue arrow.              Do not do this: Never purify Terra when there is no shield (because you will only lose money and may get stuck again at worst, and items will not drop when there is no shield).

5.[Important] Never purify Terra when there is no shield.
I have already mentioned this in 4, but it is so important that I said it twice in the main headline.
Shield recovers 1 piece every 8 hours, so if you are playing with 5 of the same rare, it is efficient to consume 15 pieces per day (e.g.: 9 pieces digested at 8 am, 6 pieces digested 16 hours later at 24 pm)

6.[Important] Always keep stamina above 50%.
When you purify Terra, your shield and San value will decrease, and the reward will also decrease according to the degree of decrease in San value (Stamina).

If the San value falls below 50%, the reward will be reduced to 50%.

If the San value falls below 20%, the reward is reduced to 20%.

If the San value falls below 10%, Terra cannot be purified (probably 0% reward).

If all shields are consumed, the buff effect is lost and the decrease in San value is doubled.

San value is recovered by purchasing items at the shop. (1 energy = 1$ARG←blue gradient)

7.Card game
It seems that strong cards and tokens will be paid as rewards according to ranking in the future, but not now. (The CEO loves card games, so it is likely to be given a lot of weight.)
The first time I ranked first, I was given a normal box worth 300$ as a free gift (not really).
The rules are listed in the latter half of the game mode strategy.
Note: I don't know if it's a bug or not, but sometimes the game doesn't attack (as it should).
Also, the game often gets stuck during matching (when it gets stuck, the game is almost 100% started inside the game, so please restart the app as soon as possible).

How much money can you make?

At this time, the tokens are not listed, so it is unknown how much you can earn!
How to earn tokens
Daily Terra purification
Card game ranking rewards
Breed two characters at lvl 30 or higher (prototypes cannot be bred).
Mint limit is 5 times
Cool time is 1 month.
Bonus ARGs are given in large quantities when the character reaches level 30.

The amount of ARGs you get at level 30 (you can see how much more since the net profit at common level 1 is about 30 per day).

Summary of the first half

Buy prototype and experience
High rarity x 3 + prototype x 2
Collect 125xp experience to level up 
Terra purification (only for shields, with more than 50% energy)
Play card game

Note-A big pitfall!

YULI can sell with less energy so if you buy only stuff with less than 50% stamina you will be stuck. Because the reward for less than 50% stamina is less than the consumption of stamina.
Solution: Check your remaining stamina, level and status by entering your token ID in the yuli details check site.


2.Enter ID

ID is in blue


Danger of having your address revealed!

Since yuliverse can display the distance in meters of people nearby, please be very careful if you are giving out your user name on twitter, etc., as there is a risk of people knowing where you live. This feature will be able to be turned on or off in the next update. Current measures. Do not reveal your user name and allow GPS only when you are out and about. 
It's very good for those who like it because it's built on the concept below
「Yuliverse is the world's first parallel reality game metaverse on the BSC chain, inspired by Pokémon GO and Tinder, where you can easily earn money and develop new meaningful friendships at the same time by simply moving around your neighborhood in the Yuliverse. It's easy to earn money and develop new meaningful friendships at the same time."」

Danger of mispricing

The top is an uncommon and the bottom is a common.

Yulivese are very easy to mistake because there is almost no difference in the picture by rarity, so be careful. Some people have actually sold a super rare worth 5000$ for 30$, mistaking it for a prototype! Don't be naive ✊.

The person who bought it had a wonderful personality, so they gave it back to him.It's not normal, lol.

Maybe you can't play on some devices?

⚠️ All IOS users can do it, but some Android users can't install the app depending on their devices. So before buying NFT, android users should try to see if you can install the app!

Medium - VC or partner

Who knows, the backing is strong! And all of the development funding to date has been self-funded! 30 million HKD (approx. 600 million yen) was raised with self-funding. Currently OVO, Bybit, bitmart, and unemeta are our major partners We have also partnered with MasterCard and will be running a running mana campaignWe will also be running a marketing campaign with GalxeTop VCs and partners have already committed and are currently working with SAFT and DD is underway.
Japan's largest crypto community called KudasaiJP will also have a significant impact

Looks like they're applying for the MBV Accelerator sponsored by Binance Labs! If they win a prize, they will be very hot! From what I've seen of past winning PJs, winning a prize is totally possible!


@BNBCHAIN went out of his way to quote and retweet Yuliverse's tweet of 11/20 on 12/1. Mmmm, this is 😊😊😊😊.

Team Background

CEO AncientTwo (Chris. F) 10+ times world #1 ranking in the card game Hearthstone, 8+ years as an investment banker in Hong Kong, handling nearly 100 IPOs.

He is an interesting CEO who frequents KudasaiJP-telegram and uses "grass" a lot!

CTO Ben.Z Technical Leader of Web2 Internet AI Lab of a well-known Chinese Internet company, experienced in developing several AI applications with millions of users

CSO MaggieBackground as a strategic investor in a billion dollar internet companyInvestment banker, has made private equity investments in the US and Asia

Community Leader AdamExperienced in managing communities of 100,000 people and raising a total of $15 million for gamefi projects


2022.Q3 Pre-launch & marketing

  • Beta testing 

  • Smart contract audit by certik 

  • First freemint launch

  • 2022.Q4 - 2023Q1 Game launch 

  • Private sale 

  • Private A round of funding 

  • Worldwide launch 

  • CCG launch 

  • NFT Marketplace (secondary market) 

  • Public sale - Token listing

2023.Q2 Gaming Community

  • Web or app-based game forums 

  • Game guilds 

  • Agore Land & Advanced Base auctions 

  • Season 1 storylines launch

2023.Q3 Game Scale-Up

  • Launch of land staking feature

  • Launch of team play mode

  • Launch of Season 2 storyline

2023.Q4 UGC

  • Allow players to create their own stories and content

  • Allow merchants to upload promotional content and mint dungeon camps

  • Game Story Season 3

Positive Talk.

・Applications are crisp and great,
・strong backing
・30-40 person technical team
・audited by certik
・still very early stage.


Future Prospects
The reason why cryptocurrency enthusiasts are playing Uriverse is not only because of its strong backing and the quality of the app, but also because it is expected to be listed on Binance.
Ideally, by 2023,Q1, the community will have grown up, and after a lot of work, like Akshay, the tokens will be listed on Binance.

Gamemode Strategy

I am the #1 ranked player.


This is the rulebook made by a volunteer on Discord.

Cards are obtained completely at random by purifying Terra, some people have drawn 7 S7 cards, others have drawn 0 cards.
It is almost the same as the card game of FF8.

Yellow is me, green is my partner, and the numbers are in the order in which I started.

Strategy 1 - Gather strong cards!

It may sound harsh, but no matter how good you are, it is impossible for an S1 card holder to beat an S5 card holder. (Cards are obtained completely at random in Terra purification with shields.) However, losing to someone in a higher rank will not reduce your trophy, so if you are stuck, you may want to stop until a new card is available.

Strategy 2 - Basic card placement tips

Attaker is the first card to be placed, so if you keep turning the cards over after the third card, the game will be a tie.
In other words, if the first card is not turned over, you have an advantage of one card.
It may seem obvious, but if you keep the above in mind, you will be able to win more easily.
When you become an attaker, where and what should you put the first card?
This depends on the cards you have

1.If you have 1.6611 cards
Best. All you have to do is place it so that the 66 is on the outside. (This is a very good move since few players currently have 7s)
2.If you do not have 6611 cards
6 as in 1 in the picture, then the best you can do is to have 2 weak numbers that you can turn over.
3. Bad play - do not make any arrangement that makes it impossible to flip over.
For example, the 4 card in the picture is placed first.
If the 3 in the picture is placed to the left of the 4, you will be left with only 6, which is very unfavorable.

  1. Middle of the game
    In the middle of the game, it is best to place cards that are difficult to be turned over by your opponent, while keeping in mind that you should lead your opponent's cards to the position where your cards are strong.

Late game

Make an instantaneous decision on which option has the best chance of winning the game and act accordingly!
In the example above, 7,8,9 is the endgame (5-5 at 6).
If you have placed the 7 in the top-left corner of your hand, and your opponent has 3 or more cards left, the game is a tie.
If you are in the middle, however, you are sure to win because you can turn over the robot with card 9 in your hand, no matter which side it comes from.
The key to increasing your Rank is to eliminate mistakes by making instant decisions like this.

Strategy 3 - Memorize the cards!

This is not to say that you should memorize all the numbers of the cards perfectly, but only the cards with strong characteristics.
For example, there are many cards with 6 on the right, but only 1 or 2 cards with 6 on the bottom 6 and 6 on the left (by default), so you will have an advantage in subsequent card placements depending on whether or not that card appears during the battle.

Strategy 4 - Understand the bugs!

Unfortunately, the current beta version has a few bugs. However, they all have certain characteristics, so you can deal with them as soon as you know them.

  1. The bug where the count stops and the screen stops when the cancel button is pressed.
    When this bug occurs, 100% of the time the battle has already started inside the game.
    To deal with it, restart the application as soon as possible and it will be connected.

  2. Cards that are supposed to attack do not attack
    I don't know if this is a bug or not, so please give up (probably a bug).

Muffled talk

What a surprise, the CEO has proudly said that duplicates are OK! (Of course, it is not mentioned on the official Discord, but the CEO clearly says so on the Kudasai telegram, so I guess it's OK. DYOR)

Part Two - PARTY Organization

In the second part, I will write about my personal strategies and considerations.
I will write about several strategies for party organization, but you should choose the strategy that fits your own asset situation. I will write them in the order of the lowest entry cost.

1.Aiming for airdrops to early players

As was the case with stepn, there is a possibility that early players in the yuliverse will have airdrops, so it might be a good idea to touch them in the prototype. 

2.common x 3 + proto type x 2

The simplest and most common strategy. Shields may not be fully recovered when reset at 5:00 every day, but you can earn several times more with commons than with proto type, so do not change the composition and keep the same composition all the time.

3.uncommon×3+ 2 proto types (5 attributes)

For those who want to earn daily tokens as well as bleed at level 30 (uncommon x 2 + 1 common is also fine.)

4.Uncommon x 3 or common x 3 (same attribute) + proto type x 4

This is a method of operation based on the premise of duplication. This is the most efficient for the trouble.
As explained in the previous section, the yuliverse has 5 attribute bonus (10%) and Daily attribute buff (10%). The way to do this is to find the right attribute in duplicate and take the 20% buff in all the yuli.
Daily buff cannot be confirmed without at least one yuli, so although I wrote "prototype x 4", realistically speaking, you need to buy about 10 yuli and spread them around in each account to make it difficult. (You can transfer and check them, but it is too much work.)
(You can transfer and check them, but it's too much work).
I will leave it up to each of you to figure out how to do the duplicates.

5. Super Rare×2 + 1 Uncommon + 14 Prototypes

You can't buy them because they are not listed first even if you try to buy them, but........
The strategy is the same as 4. But when it comes to Super Rare, the 10% buff makes a big difference, so I personally think duplicates are a must.

Status Assignment

Here is a status discussion that was verified by volunteers on Discord (in process of verification)
Com: 1.5% is temporarily added to the reward for every 1.
Ana: For every 1, the extra amount temporarily added by Con is reflected by 5% (max 20?).
Med:The rate of activation of San consumption reduction by Awa
Awa:Increase the amount of San consumption reduction
Com and Ana are called "light buff" and Med and Awa are called "dark buff".

Currently, it is unknown if Ana is effective even if it is increased to 20 or more (needs to be verified).
For now, until Ana reaches 20, 1110 from the top seems to be a good choice.

Simple reward formula (Daily buffs are not taken into account. There is an error in the second decimal place.)
Amount of increase in reward when cleansing terra by light buff = base value(0.015Con)(0.05Ana)

Example: SS(SR) purification of uncommon,Conpaile:20 Analysis:10
Amount of reward increase = 150 x 0.3 x 0.5 = 22.5

San consumption reduction for terra cleansing by dark buff = Base consumption (0.8 (1 - 0.01Awa ))
In the process of verification

Conclusion: 1110 seems to be good for now.

That's all for now! Thank you for reading this far! (About 10 hours in production, 18,000 words total. I hope it helps someone.)

If you found it useful, please follow and like us on twitter!
My twitter → @Atoras510
