221128 Cloths and Fashion

One of the reasons why I like dramas is that I like to watch sophisticated interior decorations and fashion.

昔のドラマだとSex and the Cityは主役のサラ・ジェシカ・パーカーがファッションフリークのライターという設定で、素敵で個性的な洋服を着こなしていたのが魅力的でした。NYが舞台のドラマなので当時憧れの対象でした。
In the old drama Sex and the City, Sarah Jessica Parker, the main character in the movie, was a fashion freak writer, and it was attractive that she wore nice and unique clothes.It was a drama set in New York, so I longed for it at that time.

Recently, "My Sister" was based on an essay about the life-size true feelings of a woman working in Tokyo.I liked the fashion of Kuroki Hana, who starred in the movie, but I was a little disappointed because it wasn't really the price to buy by myself.

今観ているドラマはNetflixのTHE CROWNというタイトルで英国のエリザベス女王の人生を描いた内容です。現在シーズン5まで配信済みで、私はまだシーズン2までしか観ていないのですが、配役も実際の人物に似せた俳優を起用していて、内容は王室のプライベートやスキャンダルを描いているのでその点でも興味深いドラマです。
The drama I'm watching now is about the life of Queen Elizabeth II of England under the title THE CROWN on Netflix.It's been released until season 5, and I've only watched season 2, but the cast also features actors who look like real people, and it's an interesting drama in that respect because it depicts royal private lives and scandals.

While the royal fashion and interior decorations are luxurious, the late Queen Elizabeth II's character is portrayed as a serious, traditional and sober person.Her sister, Queen Margaret, was scandalous because she was flashy and modern.Fashion is a good representation of characters.

I've read in some way that British Prime Minister Thatcher's movie "The Iron Lady" wore a blue suit, and the blue of her costume grew darker as she went toward the end of the movie.
