221114 Favorite restaurant or cafe in Kanto area

1つはevam evaというファッションブランドが運営しているレストランです。元々は縫製工場の代表が代替わりして日本の縫製技術を活かしたデザインの洋服をブランド化したようです。

It's not Kanto, but let me introduce you to a restaurant and cafe in Yamanashi that my friend took me there, because I work for an exterior project with her this year.
One is a restaurant run by a fashion brand called evam eva. Originally, I heard that the representative of the sewing factory inherited the family from his or her parents replaced it and branded clothes with designs that utilize Japanese sewing technology.
It's a place where you can't go without a car, but if you go up the path from the gravel parking lot and go through the gate, you'll find a garden that's very dense. If you follow the meandering stepping stones road in the garden, First you will find a clothing store building on the right in front of you, then a cafe restaurant building opposit and a gallery building the left side of the front. It consists of three buildings.
After finishing the meal at the restaurant, we moved to the bar corner at the back and had dessert. Behind the bar was a horizontally long glass window, we had tea and sweets with the borrowed  bamboo forest behind it as borrowed scenery.

もう1つはDeco Botanicalというお店で、山林の広大な土地にご夫婦がDIYで建てた小屋とお庭が素敵なカフェでした。駐車場から前庭を抜けるとコンポストトイレの小屋があり、その向かいにギャラリーが併設されたカフェ棟があります。カフェの奥がお庭になっていて更に奥の方には住宅棟がありました。10年かけて一つずつ建物を増やして来られたそうです。

The other was a shop called Deco Botanical, which had a nice cafe with a DIY hut and garden built by the couple on a vast area of land. If you exit the front yard from the parking lot, you will find a compost toilet hut, and across from that is a cafe building with a gallery. There was a garden at the back of the cafe and a residential building at the back. I heard that they have increased the number of buildings one by one over 10 years.
