

神奈川大学外国語学部英語英文学科です。今回は給費生であり、派遣交換留学でエトヴェシュ・ロラーンド大学(ハンガリー)に留学経験もあるGEC 5年生の中村実優さんとの英語でのインタビューを紹介します。和訳付きのため、少し長い記事ですが、給費生制度に興味がある方、大学在学中に留学を検討している方には一読することをおススメします!

What made you interested in Jindai? 神大に興味をもったきっかけは何でしたか?

I think it overlaps with my scholarship. I was accepted as a fully-funded student (給費生) at Kanagawa University. I knew that joining the GEC program will enable me to try something I wanted, like going on an exchange program or go on a language study abroad program. I also liked the idea of a program taught in English. Those were the two biggest reasons I chose to study at Jindai.

How did you come to learn about the scholarship program? 給費生制度についてはどこで知りましたか?

My mom took me to an information session about the scholarship, which was held in Okinawa, my hometown when I was in high school. I also got to meet people from Jindai through that information session, and received a brochure which was very informative. While I did search for information online, most of the information was covered during the information session itself. The application process was not too difficult, and I was able to make an application mostly on my own.

Your English is excellent, did you go to a high school that specialized in English education? 英語がとても上手いですが、高校は英語教育に特化していたのですか?

My high school had two courses, one was the general academic course, which I was part of, and the other was the international studies course which was open to returnees and students from mixed family backgrounds. The high school itself provided great opportunities so I was able to go on a short-term language exchange program in the United States. I was also able to go to Taiwan to present a group project. I think these international experiences influenced my decision to go to Jindai.


It sounds like your high school had some excellent programs, but I am guessing there was something more personal that drove you to study English? 高校で多くの機会に恵まれましたね。英語に興味をもった理由は他にありましたか?

One of the first things that influenced me as a child was films in English. My mom really liked those films, and at home even while I was doing something else, I will always be listening to a movie that was on in the background without realizing it. While this is not very unique situation in Okinawa, I also have a family member in my extended family who is American. I think that these things combined meant I was in an environment in which I naturally wanted to communicate in English.

To follow up, what kind of films did you enjoy watching? どのような映画が好きでしたか?

The problem is that I have so many films that I like! But I like movies form the 1990s, sci-fi films, and classics such as "The Shawshank Redemption". I think my mom had a strong influence with the movies that I watched and enjoyed. 

I remember watching a lot of TV series as well, and that helped me learn English. My favorite TV show is "Friends", and I probably watched 10 rounds of the whole series (10 seasons and  236 episodes)!

The band from Ohio called Twenty One Pilots had a great impact on me when I was in middle school. They were the first foreign musicians I liked, and it boosted my curiosity to learn English.
オハイオ出身のTwenty One Pilotsというバンドにも中学生時代にかなり影響を受けました。海外のバンドで好きになった最初のバンドであり、英語への興味がわくようになりました。

Did the location (Yokohama City/Minatomirai) appeal to you? 横浜/みなとみらいで学ぶことも重要でしたか?

Of course, that was also a big motivation for me. Living in Yokohama City was a dream! I also wanted to live independently so that I could grow as a person. At Minatomirai, you get to see the city and the bay, which I love. Since there are a lot of international businesses in Minatomirai, there are a lot of foreigners and you get to hear many different languages spoken. Now I can say that Minatomirai is my second hometown!


How was your experience studying in the GEC program? GECでの学びはどうでしたか?

It is kind of complicated, as my first year at Jindai was totally online. I did not get to go to university at all, and I did not get to meet my teachers and classmates face-to-face during this time. My first study abroad was completely online, and I found online courses to be hard at times for us students.

But actually, that experience pushed me to try new things such as going on an exchange program to Hungary.

What made you interested in studying in Hungary? ハンガリーに留学したいと思ったきっかけは何ですか?

There were three reasons. First, I wanted to go to Europe as I had already been to the United States. Second, I wanted to study in a country where I can study a new language. Third, I was less interested in studying in larger western European countries like Germany and France as I wanted to go somewhere different with a completely different culture and language to the ones I was used to.


Did you visit other countries while you were in Hungary? ハンガリー留学中はヨーロッパを旅行したりしましたか?

I did! I visited quite a lot of different countries. I made a map so that I could remember where I visited. It is probably faster to count the countries in Europe that I have yet to visit!

Most of the trips I did in Europe were solo trips on a low budget, so I stayed in dormitory-type accommodations where you had to share a room with others. I took the cheapest flights every time, so the flights were usually in the early morning or late at night. I even stayed the night at some of the airports. Traveling across Europe on public transportation is quite easy, so I used the buses and trains many times. For example, I took the bus for more than 10 hours from Zakopane in Poland to Budapest in Hungary just because it was the cheapest option. Sounds hard, but those were great experiences. Even though I faced some unexpected things while I was traveling, I loved every single trip that I made, I think having these experiences made me stronger and capable of dealing with issues flexibly.


How did you find studying in Hungary? ハンガリー留学はどうでしたか?

I made some good friends and I studied international relations (IR) at Eötvös Loránd University. Having taken Dr Wallace’s IR classes at Kanagawa University, I was well-prepared to take the classes in Hungary. Since Hungary is an EU member state, I learned a lot about issues related to the EU. In the classes, we had good discussions, and I enjoyed learning more from EU experts who came to our class as guest speakers.


I met a lot of great people from different parts of the world while I was there. Although we grew up in different cultures, we became good friends. We kept in touch since then. I learned that it is important and necessary to value their culture and understand that we are all different. Going on an exchange year made me realize that there is no such thing as a "standard" when you interact with people from other cultures. I am glad I did it!

Since I grew up learning English, I always wanted to learn a different language. I really enjoyed learning it, and I am continuing to study Hungarian through self-study in Japan. I find that learning a new language helps me learn more about Japanese and English.


Also, it may sound a bit weird, but I believe that living in a non-English speaking country had a good influence on me when it comes to speaking in English. I did not have to care about my accent or grammar mistakes in English, because people there were not native English speakers like me! Not only Hungarians but also other people that I met from Turkey, Germany, France, India, Slovakia, Italy, Taiwan, Nepal, Bangladeshi, etc. had strong accents. They made grammar mistakes and sometimes they could not remember certain words in English. But we understood each other, using facial expressions and gestures. I eventually started feeling good about speaking "non-perfect English". I think us Japanese tend to feel shy speaking in English because of our fear of making mistakes. But I think the more important thing when communicating with other people is what you THINK, not how perfectly you can use the language. At the end of the day, language is just a tool for communication.

What are your future plans? 今後は何をされますか?

I will be graduating in March 2025, and both the university and the other teachers at the Department of English have been very supportive. I will be working in the tourism sector after I graduate from Kanagawa University, but I plan to return to academia when I find an academic field I am interested in.






