
エスター・ラブリー先生: ICAS学会発表

神奈川大学外国語学部英語英文学科です。学科の先生によるコラムマガジン「Professors’ Showcase」。今回は移住者のアイデンティティとコミュニケーションが専門のラブリー先生です!写真と共にラブリー先生が第13回International Convention of Asia Scholars で発表した学会ペーパーの要旨(英語)を紹介します。

第13回 International Convention of Asia Scholars に参加するラブリー先生

This research is part of an investigation into the communication patterns and cultural identity change over time of Korean Australians who fit loosely into the 1.5 generation category. Kim’s theory of cross-cultural adaptation (2001), centers communication as the driving force behind developing an intercultural identity. Research on Korean Australians has identified English language proficiency as a barrier to their participating in Australian society (Hundt, 2019). Research on 1.5 generation Korean Australians found that they maintain a high level of Korean language proficiency (Jee, 2018) and that they experience communication anxiety when using English (Jee, 2022). I conducted semi-structured interviews 2012-2013 with 11 Korean Australians who had arrived in Australia between 2000 and 2010. Then, in 2023 I conducted follow-up interviews with four of the participants.

The second set of interviews revealed that the participants had undergone significant changes in their attitudes, use, and maintenance of Korean language and English language. In the original interviews they had little motivation to maintain their Korean language skills due to their own unique circumstances, including experiences of marginalization from other Korean-speaking people. Simultaneously, they felt the necessity of increasing their English language proficiency. In contrast, ten years later, the participants were making conscious efforts to maintain and even improve their Korean language skills. I will discuss the shift in thinking and attitudes that occurred, and analyze the driving factors, such as improving familial relationships, and an increase in quantity and accessibility of online Korean language content, which aided them in this goal.

開催地であるスラバヤ インドネシアにて


