

神奈川大学外国語学部英語英文学科です。学科の先生によるコラムマガジン「Professors’ Showcase」。ポストコロニアル文学が専門のワイ・イー・ロ先生のゼミ生による「横浜旧跡巡りの見学レポート」が、神奈川大学人文学会学生部会の「PLUSi」No.19(2023.3.25)に掲載されましたのでご紹介します!

Global English Communication (GEC) プログラム3年次ゼミの「Advanced Seminar in World Literature II」では、学生が19世紀から現在にかけて英国と日本の交流について、歴史、文学、及び芸術を学んでいる。2022年10月15日(土)に横浜開港資料館を始め、横浜にあるいろいろな旧跡を巡って、1859年~1923年日本におけるイギリス人や貿易会社が何をしたのか、どのように日本人と接触したのか、深く理解してきた。関内、日本大通り、元町・中華街など日本が開国された時に造られた町で散歩しながら、条約港であった横浜の歴史を身につけた。教室で堅苦しい授業を受けるより、学生は楽しい体験を通して横浜の国際的な過去を知ることができた。


1. 横浜開港資料館 Yokohama Archives of History

横浜開港資料館 玉楠

2. 横浜市開港記念会館 Yokohama Port Opening Memorial Hall 
3. 外国人居留地 英国1番館の旧跡 Site of English House Number 1
4. 外国人居留地 英国7番館の旧跡 Site of English House Number 7

外国人居留地 英国7番館の旧跡

5. 中華街 Chinatown

中華街 正門

6. 港の見える丘公園 Minatonomieru Oka Park

港の見える丘公園 展望台
港の見える丘公園 フランス領事館の廃墟

7. イギリス館 British House


8. 山手111番館 Yamate House Number 111 


(太附 伶一郎)

Today I learned a lot about the relationship between Japan and various countries. I understood the historical background of Japan's involvement with other countries after its isolation from the rest of the world. When I was in high school, I was studying Japanese history to use for an entrance exam. As such, I knew the historical flow, but never studied it in detail. Yokohama has many historical buildings as a source of information, and I learned that Chinese people acted as intermediaries for trade in Chinatown, and that many French and foreigners lived in Yamate-ku as a foreign settlement. I learned a lot by learning that the place where we live has such historical significance. 

(中野 耕誠)


(原 拓也)

There were so many people at Osanbashi because this place was used as the gateway between Japan and the world. Taking pictures was not allowed in Yokohama Archives of History, so I do not have any pictures about Osanbashi. However, the picture about Osanbashi at the museum showed that so many people such as travelers from Japan and other countries communicated with one another at Osanbashi. 

(栗原 翔)

I am surprised that many historical sites are well preserved during this fast-developing era. Although as far as I am concerned, not all the documents are objectively chosen, it did show me, as an international student, some clues as to why Japan looks like this today, which most certain is that it was shaped by its constant interactions with the world.

 (Passen Cao)


(大木 優紳)

I thought that it taught me some of important things of Japanese history. I remember two things. The first thing is that Yokohama become the place to model of "コクリコ坂". Especially, I remember the two flags. I had watched this movie and it is my favorite one, so when I saw this flag, I was touched. And the second thing is a view unique to Yokohama. I have lived in Yokohama for a long time. I knew that Yokohama was a place with a port and a Chinatown. However, I did not know that there was tree remaining from the Edo period, or that there was a British pavilion and a French consulate. Each place was magical, as if we were in a different place. I was once again attracted to Yokohama, a place where many countries have gathered.

(篠原 里奈)

写真の提供:水間 満里乃、中野 耕誠、佐藤 颯祐、太附 伶一郎、原 拓也

「横浜旧跡巡りの見学レポート」外国語学部 英語英文学科 ロ・ワイ・イー ゼミナール」(一部修正)


神奈川大学外国語学部英語英文学科 専攻科目はAll English、留学必須のGECプログラムはこちら!(ページ内「GECプログラム」)

