
『博論全体像 part.1 ver.1』

My dissertation paper is about creating a "Multi-Ethnography" method. That is (1) an evidence-based scientific methodology, (2) that uses “co-work” writing but respects each person's way of life, and (3) is against usual qualitative research methods which start with interviews about someone's life stories and experiences. The purpose of the methodology is (a) describing multiple identity politics, (b) for directly asking for changes to policies and regulations in government or institutions,  and (c) asking for social justice. Also, the method is an Ethnography itself about racism and decolonization in BC for IBPOC+ Trans+ or Drag folks.

It is a combination between EMCA and Goffman's methods of analyzing interactions. It could also be useful as an analytical method in urban anthologies ethnography method, monographs in Chicago school sociology, and reportage in journalism. Additionally, it is inspired by process work, and is useful for social work research.

This is an all-online research, writing, and archive project for a new stage/generation in this all surveilled digital society. I have 2 Facebook accounts (Japanese and Canadian account. For use as the Co-working place ), X (for Field Notes) note (that is a journaling SNS in Japan. Named by me “Academians Fiction World”) and instagram  (as the Gallery).

This is the procedure of my writing: First, I usually use Messenger to exchange messages with “my people” and they reply about my writings. I am always inspired by their comments, ideas, or thoughts, and process my thoughts with them. Second, I write some articles on Facebook, my people give me likes or share, or comment on them, I reply to them, and do the same thing as with Messenger. That’s the second processing. Finally, I post articles on “note” and people give me likes or comments, sometimes extra processing happens. Also I use X to make a memo of my thoughts and ideas as field notes, also people give me likes, shares, or comments, I try processing with them, and sometimes write a piece of an article on Facebook as a trial for “note”. Also I take photos in my everyday life as my fieldwork. I record scenes, and use them in “note.”

This procedure is a “process work” with “my people”. That means, on this, I create articles as my own writing but that’s combined with people’s thoughts and ideas or critiques. In other words, this is a crowdsourced writing like “Wikipedia.” All of them are already part of my Multi-Ethnography project. I called them The Queering "Studies" Project. Finally, all of them are pieces and resources of the Multi-Ethnograghy and my dissertation papers.

Dissertation paper title is
Ethnographer Outlaw: Essays for Badass Research

I do this for my own funding by asking for donations, because I hope to maintain independence from any governments and institutions. For that, I create our own public awareness, especially based on the colonial and decolonized experience of Asian POC, indigenous, Trans+, queer, immigrants in BC, Canada.

I manage my funding as a company and the platform is called “PlatHome”. The copyrights of this dissertation paper are for all my “people” who joined my project. Anyone who joins the project could get a free honorary “PhD degree ish something (of interdisciplinary studies)” from this company.

Index (tentative 2023/11/08) :

Recommendation of Doing Being an Ethnographer: I am the Japanese Version of a "Bad Feminist" in Canada

*Decolonizing EMCA

Chapter 1
On the Journey: Exploring My Own Identities as Autoethnography

Chapter 2
Why “Kaori Kawamura” is similar to “Hilary Swank” in “Boys Don’t Cry”: Hating people who are the same is called Homophobia or Fraigerity

Homophobia of AFAB woman to trans woman, because of unwell management of gender expression and body:

Homophobia of AFAB lesbian woman to AFAB gender nonconforming, because of well management of relationships between sexual desire and desire to changing body:

Homophobia of AMAB man to trans woman:

Chapter 3
Relation of Drag or BDSM and Trauma and the Intergeneration

Appendix 1
Old Comers vs New Comers?: Chinese? Japanese? Korean? or Immigrants everywhere in West Coast Canada

Appendix 2
What is Intersectionality and Intersexinality: Genealogy of Race, Gynecology of Andogenous

Chapter 4
Who is the Front Runner as activist and researcher: Disability? Race? Gender? or a combination. Because of Stigma? Trauma? Dissociation? or a combination. Depends on Nature? Nurture? Neurons? or a combination

Chapter 5
Against Starting with a Narrative or Story Telling of Someone's Life Experience: Introduction of Multi-Ethnography

How to be Badass: Everybody Has Their Own Methods to Survive Their Own Life and Me too or #Metoo



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