
“Thinking cultural appropriation again”

Today, during a refugee NPO meeting, we unexpectedly found ourselves in a lip-sync tournament with participants from various backgrounds: Latino, European, Asian (myself), African, and Mexican. Aside from the Mexican performer, who used music from their own culture, everyone else chose hip-hop. This raises concerns about cultural appropriation, especially considering none of us are from North America. While the African performer might be seen as more acceptable due to hip-hop's origins. But for him, the status of Black music from North America remains unclear. The fact that everyone enthusiastically chose hip-hop for the lip-syncing reflects the influence of colonialism, particularly as many of us are recent refugees who grew up listening to Black music in our home countries.

Despite the impromptu nature of the decision, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, and performers so gay. However, it's important to consider the implications of cultural appropriation in this situation. As the only trans and queen performer, it adds another layer of complexity.



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