
TOO LONG, goodbye and thanks, 2021.

This is the season that I write notes, it finally has come. Having stopped posting on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter since 2021 (sometimes I did for the special event) efficiently secured my time to study many things. But, at the end of the HORRIBLE year of 2021, I allow myself to express what I have learnt. I will thank you for devoting your time to reading this.

We face difficulties sometimes, but it would be fantastic if we figure out how to handle them.

Here is what I have learnt in 2021:

  • Everything has meaning. Even bad things teach me a good lesson.

  • 「塞翁が馬」

Everything has meaning. Even bad things teach me a good lesson.

Joining a new culture was the greatest lesson. I had to change my way of work, way of behaviour, and way of thinking. I just wanted to say, I messed up.

It is super easy to make excuses. However, the invaluable lesson for all the time is to be introspective. I need to analyse what I should have done for the next step because it is inevitable to face something "new" in our lives.


I know this old adage only in Japanese. My understanding of this is to be modesty all the time, make special, just keep doing what I should do and how I should be.

Ok, time up. thank you for reading till here and see you soon. 
