バイデン家の利権拡大は、軍産複合体やネオコンのNATO拡大政策と同じ方向を向いていた。2014年、ウクライナでマイダン革命が起こり、親ロシアのヤヌコヴィッチ政権が崩壊した。この政変にはオバマ政権の国務次官補ヴィクトリア・ヌーランドと、ジョージ・ソロスのオープン・ソサエティ財団が関与していたことはもはや明らかである ジョー・バイデン、あなたは副大統領として、日本に対しても公然と内政干渉を行ったことを、われわれは忘れない。
オバマは得意の演説でアメリカ人の団結を訴えた。しかし、オバマ政権8年間の間に、むしろ分断が進んだ。中国製品に市場を奪われ、アメリカ経済はますます疲弊し、中間層が没落した。メキシコ国境からの大量の不法移民がアメリカ人の職を奪い、薬物の蔓延と治安の崩壊を引き起こした。アメリカ国民の怒りはmake america great againをかかげるドナルド・トランプに集まり、2016年選挙で彼は勝利した。
日本国民 茂木誠
A note to Joe Biden
Makoto Mogi, a citizen of Japan. This is a letter to Mr. Joe Biden, President of the United States of America.
At the beginning of the 20th century, during World War I, the United States and Japan fought as Allies against Imperial Germany. The Japanese Navy defended the Philippines and Guam against the threat of the German Eastern Fleet.
When the Russian Revolution broke out, the U.S. and Japan jointly deployed to Siberia to contain Lenin's Communist regime.
At the Washington Conference, Japan returned its a interests in China and agreed to disarmament. Japan also promised the U.S. a mutually inviolable sphere of influence in the Pacific. The Japan-U.S. relationship at this time was truly an alliance of equals, and we hoped it would last for a long time.
The Great Depression, which began with the New York Stock Market Crash of 1929, tore Japan and the United States apart. Struck by the economic crisis, Japan sought a way out on the Chinese mainland, leading to the Manchurian Incident.
Franklin Roosevelt's Democratic administration openly supported the Republic of China, and relations with Japan deteriorated.
In Europe, Hitler's German army occupied France and launched a march toward Moscow. Fearing an attack from the east and west by both German and Japanese forces, Stalin of the Soviet Union hoped that Japanese forces would invade the Pacific rather than Siberia and clash with the United States.
Communists such as Harry Dexter White and Alger Hiss infiltrated the center of Roosevelt's Democratic administration, leading to a total ban on oil exports to Japan.
At the same time, a network created by Richard Sorge, an agent of the GRU, the Soviet military intelligence agency, infiltrated the center of the Japanese government and fueled the expansion of the Chinese front and the outbreak of war against the US.
Kanji Ishihara, the genius general staff of the Japanese Army, foresaw the inevitability of a clash between the Asian ally, Japan, and the Western ally, the United States, as the inevitable course of world history. Japan, which at the time had only 1/10th the industrial strength of the U.S., would surely lose if it fought. Therefore, Ishihara's grand plan was to avoid a war with the U.S. for now, secure Manchuria first, develop its resources, and then challenge the U.S. to a decisive battle at the end of the 20th century.
Ishihara's plan, however, was ignored by the military bureaucracy, and Tojo's cabinet recklessly decided to start war against the United States. The result is well known to all.
As Ishihara predicted, U.S. industrial power was overwhelming. No matter how many ships were sunk, new fleets emerged. Japan lost control of the airspace and the entire country became the target of indiscriminate U.S. bombing, which killed a total of 3 million people, military and civilian. The Empire of Japan collapsed, and for the first time since its founding, Japan suffered the humiliation of occupation by a foreign army. This humiliation continues to this day.
The U.S. Occupation Command, GHQ, was also dominated by communists known as New Dealers. Under the guise of removing militarism from Japan, they tried Japanese leaders by ex post facto law, rewrote the Constitution in the occupied territories, which international wartime law forbade, and solidified universities and mass media with those who were subservient to the US. The Japan-U.S. Security Treaty effectively placed Japan under permanent occupation.
With all of its overseas territories lost, all of its industrial infrastructure destroyed, and its people starving, the defeated Japanese leaders had no choice but to receive food aid from the U.S. and to have the U.S. dollar prop up the plunging yen currency. Thus was born the Liberal Democratic Party, a party subservient to the U.S. Successive prime ministers acted at the behest of the U.S. Secretary of State and the U.S. ambassador to Japan.
A country that has its own government but has foreign troops stationed in the country and cannot conduct its own diplomacy is called a "protectorate. The United States made Cuba a protectorate, France made Vietnam a protectorate, and Japan made Korea a protectorate. After its defeat in the war, Japan became a protectorate of the United States.
In the 1960s, the Japanese economy finally revived. The economy continued to grow at an annual rate of over 10%, and together with West Germany, it began to pose a threat to the United States. It was time for Japan to become independent, but the Japanese people, satisfied with their economic prosperity, became indifferent to politics and their spirit was corrupted. Voices for an independent constitution were drowned out, and the LDP became a party that merely protected vested interests. This is the LDP of today.
Wilson, who created the League of Nations after World War I, and Franklin Roosevelt, who created the United Nations at the end of World War II. Let us keep in mind that both were Democratic presidents and globalists who made the U.S. the world's policeman and aimed to unify the world.
What was the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union?
It was a system of world division and collusion between American globalists and Soviet communists. The Soviet economy collapsed due to the inherent inefficiencies of communism, and the US won the Cold War. Since the 1990s, the globalists, a US-China collaboration, have come to dominate the world with their own face, and have forced Japan to undergo structural reforms and privatize its postal system.
The globalists have taken control of the U.S. by donating huge amounts of money to both the Democratic and Republican parties in the U.S.The military industries in which they invested had large inventories at the end of the Cold War and were in need of new wars.
In 2000, Republican George Bush Jr. was elected president. The following year, on September 11, 2001, under the pretext of that New York tragedy, Bush launched the war on terror and invaded Iraq. Joe Biden, as a Senator, you voted for the Iraq War. You also voted for the eastern expansion of NATO, which was supposed to have lost its raison retread with the collapse of the Soviet Union. This led to friction with the Putin administration in Russia and was a distant cause of today's war in Ukraine.
In the 2008 presidential election, Barack Obama, a Democrat, won the election, and you, Joe Biden, became vice president.
Since you were a senator, you have been making overtures to and receiving kickbacks from local Delaware businesses. You have created a system that turns political power into money.
Now that you are Vice President, you have extended this system overseas. Whenever you visited Ukraine or China, you offered favors and kickbacks to local companies. The man in charge of this practice was your drug-addicted son, Hunter Biden. This was recorded on the data of the laptop that Hunter left behind at the repair shop, and it was even revealed that the Biden family was involved in human trafficking. Has there ever been a more corrupt administration in history?
This news was supposed to influence the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, but the globalist bought American mass media did not report this and you were elected.
We are told you are a Catholic. I wonder if your "God" would allow such horrific corruption and injustice. And you should put your hand on your heart and consider whether your own soul will soon leave this world for heaven or some other place.
The Biden family's expansion of its interests was in the same direction as the military-industrial complex and neocon policies of NATO expansion: in 2014, the Maidan Revolution in Ukraine led to the collapse of the pro-Russian Yanukovych regime. It is now clear that Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State in the Obama administration, and George Soros' Open Society Foundations were involved in this political change
Joe Biden, we will never forget that as Vice President, you also openly interfered in the internal affairs of Japan.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who came to power at the end of 2012 promising to "Restore Japan!" Joe Biden, as Vice President, you called Abe and demanded, "I told the South Korean President that Abe would not visit the shrine. So don't visit the shrine," you demanded.
When Prime Minister Abe ignored this and visited the shrine, the U.S. Embassy in Japan expressed "disappointment.
Memorials for the war dead are the duty of national leaders, not a matter for other countries to dictate. When the Japanese prime minister visits the United States, he prays silently at Arlington Cemetery. Shouldn't the President of the United States also observe a moment of silence at Yasukuni Cemetery when he visits Japan?
In his signature speech, Obama called for the unity of Americans. However, during the eight years of the Obama administration, the division of the country has rather increased. The U.S. economy has become more and more impoverished as Chinese products have taken over the market, and the middle class has fallen. Massive illegal immigration from the Mexican border has cost Americans their jobs and caused a drug epidemic and a breakdown in public safety. The anger of the American people rallied around Donald Trump with his "Make America Great Again" platform, and he won the 2016 election.
Trump said.
"Japan, South Korea, and the NATO nations must protect themselves. And the U.S. is no longer the world's policeman."
Many Japanese bureaucrats and politicians, who had long been under the protection of the US, panicked.
Shinzo Abe, however, was the first to go to Trump and appealed that Japan and the U.S. should join hands to stop China's maritime expansion, and he proposed a Japan-U.S.-Australia-India quad, which won Trump's understanding. Since then, the Abe-Trump trust relationship has become the greatest stabilizing factor in the Asia-Pacific region.
Meanwhile, Trump promoted US unilateralism: withdrawing from TPP talks, dismantling NAFTA, withdrawing from the Paris Agreement on global warming, withdrawing troops from Syria, suspending internal intervention in Ukraine, and closing the Mexican border. Trump has put the brakes on what successive globalist administrations have done.
That's why the globalists made it their top priority to "stop Trump from being re-elected. In the unforgettable 2020 elections, the globalist camp conducted various maneuvers under the pretext of a pandemic, and you, Joe Biden, who did not campaign well, became the president with the largest number of votes in the history of the country.
The turmoil in the U.S. spilled over into Japan. After Abe's resignation, the "sell-out Japan" government was restored. Shinzo Abe, who had resisted this, was assassinated. The Fumio Kishida administration is trying to sweep this incident under the rug.
The recent enactment process of the LGBT Awareness Act has brought into the open how policy decisions are made in Japan.
This bizarre bill was introduced and pushed through the Diet by Kishida's Liberal Democratic Party. Japan has no history of discrimination or persecution of homosexuals or transgender people. Therefore, there is absolutely no need for the LGBT Understanding Promotion Act.
The calls for the passage of this bill did not come from the Japanese people. The real promoters were Rahm Emanuel, the U.S. ambassador to Japan, whom you sent, and Fumio Kishida, who responded to his request.Kishida was given a mortgage on your participation in the Hiroshima summit and did Emanuel's bidding. We will not forget this. Remember that many patriotic, conservative Japanese have given up on the LDP over this.
Joe Biden. You probably think you did well in the last election. You thought you could pad your vote as much as you wanted with mail-in ballots. And you think you can do the same thing again in 2024. But the majority of the American people have already figured it out. If the same thing happens again, there will be no free lunch. Whichever side wins, the loser will not recognize the results of the election, and the worst that could happen is a civil war.
The Japanese people are also waking up.
The LDP government, which after Abe's assassination has turned its ancestors back to subservience to the U.S., has woken us up. Kishida's LDP has already united with Biden's DPJ, and we can no longer expect anything from the LDP. Many of the other parties such as Komei, Rikken Democrats, and Ishin are globalist pro-China parties and cannot be counted on at all.
We need a party that can rally the Japanese people for true independence and freedom. The coming turmoil in the U.S. will accelerate this movement.
For the past 80 years, the Japan-U.S. relationship has been an anomalous one, with the U.S. as suzerain and the Japan. as protector. The Americans must reclaim America for the Americans, and the Japanese must reclaim Japan for the Japanese. When this happens, a truly equal Japan-U.S. relationship will emerge, and this will lead to global stability.
Today, we are coming together. We are coming together voluntarily, not through organizational mobilization. And this movement will continue to grow. Even if the leaders fall, the movement will continue.
Joe Biden. Your time is over.
I hope you will do my will and step down with Kishida without any more old ugliness.
Japanese people Makoto Mogi