「I want to〜」ばっかり言ってしまった。
途中の問題まではいい感じに答えられてた気がするけど、最後の「What don’t you know won’t hurt you」の文章の意味が最初全くわからず、スムーズに答えられなかった。
リスニングは、最初の問題で「car 〇〇」と大事なところが聞き取れず、勘で答えることになってしまった。前よりは聞き取れた気がする。
Test Day Reflections
Last night, I stayed up chatting with friends until around 11:30 PM.
This morning, I woke up at 6:50 AM, feeling sleepy again
—I even left my alarm ringing.
After breakfast, I spent some time studying on my own.
Today was the level check test.
Although I told myself I had given up on it, I couldn’t help feeling nervous.
Looking back, many of my classes had talkative teachers, which meant fewer chances for me to practice speaking.
Moving forward, I want to create more opportunities to speak on my own.
After lunch, I took a quick 15-minute nap, but I still felt drowsy.
Following eight hours of classes, we had the speaking test.
I had spent the entire day reviewing vocabulary I wanted to use, but in the end, I didn’t manage to use any of it—not even once!
I found myself repeating “I want to~” too much.
Here’s the advice I received from my teacher:
Use more advanced vocabulary instead of sticking to simple words.
Avoid saying “eh” or “ah” too often.
Be mindful when correcting your own grammar because it can confuse the listener.
I thought I was doing well at the beginning, but I stumbled when I couldn’t understand the phrase “What you don’t know won’t hurt you” right away.
It threw me off, and I couldn’t answer smoothly.
In the writing section, I spent too much time on the first question, so I was not able to write more than 150 characters.
In the listening section, I couldn't hear the important part of the first question, "car XX," so I had to answer by guesswork.
I feel like I was able to hear it better than before.
In the reading section, I was the worst.
I spent too much time on questions I didn't understand, and even though the last question seemed easy, I didn't understand about three of them, so I ended up writing a question about rearranging advertisements by guesswork in one minute. 😭
My score is definitely lower than last time.
I want to keep my motivation up and do my best for the remaining month while studying the Australian accent.
After the test, I joined my friends for a fun evening of cards and Werewolf until midnight, finally going to bed just before 2:00 AM.