昨日は、22:30に集合して、【Lockdown Bar】と【The Terminal Resto Cafe】へ。
トイレ休憩を挟みつつ、満身創痍で10:30【Baluarte Resort and Mini Zoo】到着。

餌やりやシャトルバスなどが全てついた「PACKAGE B」で1人300ペソ。



暑さにやられつつ、お昼ご飯は有名な【Hidden Garden】へ。


灯台【Bantay Bell Tower】で写真撮影をしたあと、
スペインの街並みのメイン通り【Calle Crisologo】へ。

【CAFE AMIAN】にてドリンク休憩。
大聖堂【St.Paul Metropolitan Cathedral】も美しい。
17:05にバンに乗り、日没17:26の2分前に【Mindoro Beach】到着。


【Old Soul Bar Beans】で、ふわトロのオムライスと【ロンガニーサ(ガーリック風味強めのソーセージ】をシェア。
19:00お会計をして、【Plaza Salcedo (Luneta Park Musical Dancing Fountain)】へ。

Yesterday, we met up at 10:30 PM and headed to Lockdown Bar and The Terminal Resto Café.
I had so much fun talking about love with my teacher!
At 4:00 AM, we said goodbye to a friend who felt like a little sibling to us.
I’m really excited to see how he grows and changes over the next five years.
After that, I rushed back to school to get ready.
By 5:30 AM, our van left for Vigan, a World Heritage Site.
Our group included eight Japanese, one Korean, and one Vietnamese, all of us tired and sleepy.
Sitting in the front auxiliary seat, I clutched my bag tightly because of the winding mountain roads, steep slopes, and the typical adventurous Filipino driving style.
On the way, we were lucky enough to see a jet-black sea of clouds that looked just like the ocean—it was breathtaking.
After a quick bathroom break, we arrived at Baluarte Resort and Mini Zoo at 10:30 AM, completely exhausted.
We chose “Package B,” which cost 300 pesos per person and included animal feeding and a shuttle bus.
Taking a photo with the baby tigers was an extra 100 pesos per person.
They were so small and adorable—like actual babies—and even I, who isn’t great with animals, was completely charmed by them.
Photos with a giant snake were 50 pesos per person, and feeding the crocodiles cost 100 pesos for four pieces of chicken.
Watching the crocodiles gather as we dangled chicken on a fishing rod was thrilling.
By the end, about 10 of them were fighting over the food, and their awkward, clumsy movements were strangely cute.
It was hard to believe this zoo was originally a private collection for a politician.
The deer wandering freely around the grounds made the place feel a bit like Nara Park.
Even though we were worn out from the heat, we went to the famous Hidden Garden for lunch.
It’s a beautiful restaurant with a botanical garden vibe, perfect for large groups.
The live music on stage was incredible
—both the performers and the guests were so talented, it was a joy to listen to them.
We tried two Vigan specialties: empanadas (large fried dumplings) and bagnet (crispy, deep-fried pork).
They were absolutely delicious!
After lunch, we visited Bantay Bell Tower for some photos before heading to Calle Crisologo, the main street in the Spanish quarter.
The cobblestone streets were lined with old-style buildings and souvenir shops, while horse-drawn carriages carrying tourists added to the charming, nostalgic atmosphere.
We took a break at CAFE AMIAN for some drinks.
Everyone looked exhausted after staying up all night, so we relaxed there for about an hour before wandering around the city again.
St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral was another highlight—it was beautiful.
Since the city itself isn’t that large, we found ourselves running out of time.
After a little confusion, we decided to head to the coast to catch the sunset.
We got back in the van at 5:05 PM and reached Mindoro Beach just two minutes before sunset at 5:26 PM.
It was such a stunning moment, and I’m so glad we decided to go.
As we drove back to the city, we watched the sky turn nostalgic hues after sunset, with a bright moon just shy of being full.
At Old Soul Bar Beans, we shared fluffy omelet rice and longanisa (a flavorful, garlic-heavy sausage).
At 7:00 PM, we headed to Plaza Salcedo for the Luneta Park Musical Dancing Fountain show.
By the time we arrived at 7:20 PM, the crowd was already massive.
The show started at 7:40 PM, and it was incredible
—fountains spraying water to music and lights, even reaching beyond the fountain area itself.
It felt more like an amusement park attraction than a simple fountain show, and the vibrant energy made it feel like a club.
We had so much fun, right up until the very end.
We got back in the van after 8:00 PM, and I was so tired that I barely remember stopping for a bathroom break.
My body swayed with the van’s movements as I drifted in and out of sleep.
We arrived back at school just before 1:00 AM.
Half-asleep, I stumbled to my room, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and collapsed into bed.
Whenever I plan a trip, I always worry:
What if the place isn’t as good as expected?
or What if things don’t go smoothly?
But this trip went so well that it blew away all my doubts.
Even though it was just a day trip, it was so rewarding and fulfilling, and I’m so glad I invited everyone to join.
Seeing them have so much fun made me feel so relieved and happy.
I think I’ll sleep really well tonight.