SOAS Summer School経験談(第1週目)
2022年夏にロンドン大学グループの1つであるロンドンにあるSOAS大学へsummer schoolで留学し、専門外の分野である環境学を学習してきました。何故ならば、アニメを海外に売るためには、外国人の文化を知り、彼らが何を考えているかを知るとともに、専門だけでない幅広い知識が必要であると考えられるからです。これは、私たちのコースの中で初めてのことでした.
その為、学校とのやり取りや生活について等も全て一人でこなしました。積極的に先生やほかの生徒とコミュニケーションを取ることでディスカッション・プレゼンテーション形式主体の体験したことがない環境の中で8項目中7項目excellent(最高評価),1項目がvery good(2番目の評価)という成績で終了することができました。
放課後は新しい友人たちと映画を見に行ったり、ロンドンで初めて外食を試みたり(残念ながら予想通り美味しくはなかったです)、そしてロンドン・ウェットランド・センターを訪れたりしました。週末にはバッキンガム宮殿やタワーブリッジを訪れ、ICUの友人たちから紹介されたJapanese societyのパーティーに参加し、日本文化への異なる視点や日本人の自信の欠如について考える機会を得ました。
In the summer of 2022, I studied at SOAS, one of the London University Group, as a summer school student and studied environmental studies, a field outside my field of expertise. This is because, in order to sell animation abroad, it is necessary to know about foreign cultures and what they think, as well as to have broad knowledge that is not limited to one's specialism. Actually, this was the first time in our course (PDP).
Therefore, I had to handle all the communication with the school, about life, etc. by myself. By actively communicating with teachers and other students, I was able to finish with an excellent grade in seven out of eight items and a very good grade in one item (second highest) in an environment I had never experienced before, which was discussion- and presentation-oriented.
Below I would like to write about my experiences at SOAS and what I learnt.
<Week 1 at SOAS>
I travelled to London via Finland. On the journey to London, I was surprised at the fact that I could not get information unless I spoke to people willingly and at the progress of digital payments, which are different from those in Japan. I could listen to English to some extent, but I felt that not being able to speak it was a problem, so I decided to look up words and phrases I didn't understand during my study abroad, write them down, look at them before going to bed and pronounce them.
When I moved from Finland to London, I could clearly see the differences in the environment. Whereas in Japan and Finland it was normal to wear masks, in London most people did not.
As soon as I saw the city of London from the plane, I was terrified of what was about to happen.
On my first day in London, I had some time before I had to check in to my dormitory, so I walked around the area on the way from Heathrow to Kings Cross. There I realised that King's Cross Station, which I had seen in the Harry Potter films, was real. I then spent my first day visiting the Palace of Westminster and Paddington.
Not being confident in my English skills, I ate at McDonald's on my first day, but shopping at the supermarket was a new discovery. There was an Asian supermarket, which sold mostly Korean and Chinese food, but also a little Japanese food.
At school, I was overwhelmed by the multicultural environment. In the environmental studies class I chose, I experienced a completely different learning style from Japan, including preparation and review, discussion style and team presentations. I was particularly impressed by the fact that, unlike Japan's 'correct answer' oriented style of education, in London my own opinion was respected and my understanding deepened through thought and practice.
After school, I went to the movies with new friends, tried eating out for the first time in London (unfortunately, it was not as good as expected) and visited the London Wetlands Centre. At weekends I visited Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge, and attended a Japanese society party introduced to me by my ICU friends, which gave me the opportunity to reflect on different perspectives on Japanese culture and the lack of confidence among Japanese people.
These were my experiences at the start of my time in London. I found the challenges of an unfamiliar environment difficult and at times daunting. But on the other hand, this experience of experiencing a new culture and gaining new perspectives was extremely valuable for my life.