
今年の9月から、学校の推薦を受けて、シンガポールにあるSingapore Institute of Management(SIM)に一年間留学することが決まりました。ここで、念願のマーケティングを勉強してきます。

< Regarding studying in Singapore.
I have been recommended by my school to study at the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) in Singapore for one year from September this year. I will study marketing here, which I have longed to do.
SIM is the University of London's base school in Asia, second only to the main London school. I am told that it is where Asia's elite gather.
We are also told that this tuition fee is also supported by a scholarship. I am grateful to Musashi University and the University of London PDP system.
I will report back on my preparation for studying abroad.
