The Trail of My Fangame “Go! Unity-Chan”

REMARK: This article is a re-edited version of the article posted in my WordPress.

This Project Had Started as a Video Project(4 Years Ago)

Do you remember this video?

This project (my first project) started personally in 2015.
I uploaded videos about it in 2018, and you can jump to YouTube pages from these links below:

#1 Crash Bandicoot reboot project -ボーナスチャレンジ/Bonus Round-
#2-1 Crash Bandicoot reboot project -[旧]チェックポイント/[Old]Check Point-
#3-1 Crash Bandicoot reboot project -[旧]爆発/[Old]explosion-
#7-1 Crash Bandicoot reboot project -[旧]アニメーションテスト/[old]animation test-

However, I stopped uploading videos about it…
Because I got tired of making videos. LOL

I Restarted This Project in 2018

A happening occurred. Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy was released on June 30th 2017. Crash Bandicoot came back to be replaced high resolution!!! By this opportunity, I restarted this project (my second project).
Because I had by far more knowledge, I could make high quality videos. You can jump to YouTube pages from these links below: 

[With Sound]Crash Bandicoot Animation STAGE1 Making Progression 2018/03/19
#2-2 Crash Bandicoot reboot project -[新]チェックポイント/[New]Check Point-
#3-2 Crash Bandicoot reboot project -[新]爆発/[New]explosion-
#4-1 【比較あり/With compareing】Crash Bandicoot reboot project -ステータス/status[N sane trilogy]-
#4-2 Crash Bandicoot reboot project -ステータス/status-
#5 Crash Bandicoot reboot project -ボーナスチャレンジ/bonus-
#6 Crash Bandicoot reboot project -↑箱/↑block-
#8 Crash Bandicoot reboot project – ボーナス終了/ End of bonus –

This is My First Program in Unity
“Go! Unity-Chan”

I had a strong will that make fangame. I challenged it in my childhood, but I gave up. It was too difficult for young me.

Long long time had passed…
When I was belong to grade 3 in high school, there was opportunity to realize it.

I challenged making fangame again (my third project). I didn’t have knowledge about programming and Unity at all. Nevertheless, I never gave up. I did been able to make this fangame despite short of term.
But this was far from accuracy and precision.

Beyond My First Program

Oh, 8 months man! I came back!
I have time,so I would like to challenge past me (my fourth project).
I have had a little adjustment. I will make a video about it.

Nitro crates was applied. However these are fake,so these won’t explode.

Moving stairs was applied.

I’m going to have more adjustments. I will upload videos in YouTube when I have ones.
Please subscribe my channel and turn on notification, wait for updating!!!


I Can Keep Motivation Thanks of Cheers!

Crashy News introduced my projects.

I’m looking secretly forward to articles introduced my videos there.

I checked comments posted to my videos. These encourage me!!
Thank you very much!!

I do best to live up to your expectations.
I won’t stop!!!!

Author: Aozora Kotori
