

1) 注意書き


2) 単語・表現

to date=今までのところ
e.g.) To date, that is the most effective way of treating the disease.

be in production=生産されている
e.g.) The beer that had been stopped selling because of its huge sales is now in production.
ant.) be out of production=生産中止になっている

come what may=たとえ何が起きても
e.g.) Come what may, my love for McDonald's won't change.

on pins and needles=ひどく不安で
e.g.) My teacher told me to come to her office after the class, and I'm on pins and needles.

e.g.) I can't verbalize the feeling to meet my compatriots in foreign countries.

hammer out O=Oを徹底的に議論して出す
e.g.) One of the characteristics of democracy to hammer out one decision seems to be important, but it can sometimes turn to its drawback.

throw a person under the bus=〜を(私利のために)裏切る
e.g.) We've known each other since we were children, so I'll never throw him under the bus whatever happens.

3) おわりに

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→ suketodara1868@gmail.com

4) 参考資料

・南出康世編集主幹 (2014)『ジーニアス英和辞典第5版』大修館書店
・Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)
・DeepL翻訳 [https://www.deepl.com/translator]
・Merriam-Webster [https://www.merriam-webster.com/]
・Oxford Learner's Dictionary online ver  [https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/]
・SkELL: corpus examples for learning English
