詐欺 ダメ!ゼッタイ! no more nuclear
旧統一教会被害者救済新法が成立 「霊感」使った寄付勧誘に刑事罰
Misleading and extorting money is called fraud.
New Law for Relief of Victims of Old Unification Church Enacted Criminal Penalty for Soliciting Donations Using ``Inspiration''https://mainichi.jp/articles/20221210/k00/00m/040/188000c
(Mainichi Shimbun)
Donations from individuals to corporations and organizations are subject to regulation. When soliciting donations, it was prohibited to use the knowledge of inspiration to stir up anxiety, and to "confuse" people with six types of behavior, such as telling them that donations are essential to avoid the disadvantage of the person or family. .
(Rephrasing what is happening at the same time)
Individual-to-state taxes were subject to regulation. In order to avoid the disadvantages of individuals and their families, it is necessary to increase defense spending and build more nuclear power plants. Six types of actions, such as telling people that they are essential, are prohibited.