“While flying over flight level 300, pilots saw “white smoke” in the cockpit. They also find crack on the cockpit window. They put on the hand on their chest suggesting they're breathless.”
試験官はなるほどと首を振りながら、”What do you think what happened in the aircraft and what is the best approach to avoid the serious incidence?”と訊いてきました。
Capt.GPTは自分の考えを伝えるため、”I imagine it is possible that the aircraft experienced a rapid depressurization. The white smoke in the cockpit and the crack on the window are symptoms of this. The best way to avoid a serious incident is to immediately descend to a lower altitude, as low as 10,000 MSL, and concurrently open the ventiaton sysytem to allow air to flow into the cabin. Additionally, the pilots should monitor their oxygen levels and put on supplemental oxygen masks if necessary.”と述べました。