Capt.GPTは絵カードを一瞥して、"During a short final approach the flight crew see the proceeding traffic landed but is still backtaxing the runway."とサラッと答えました。すると試験官も一言で"What do the crew expect to respond promptly?"と訊いてきました。
Capt.GPTは"The crew would expect a prompt response from ATC, Air Traffic Control, when requesting for runway availability. ATC will provide the crew with specific instructions on if the proceeding traffic is safe to back-taxi and clear the runway.”と手堅く答えました。
試験官はより緊迫した状況を尋ねてきます。"It's unsure if the proceeding traffic is safe to back-taxi and clear the runway before the number two traffic lands on the same runway. What is the safe response for the number two traffic to ease this situation?"