

ICAO航空英語実技試験で6コマの絵カードには、こんなストーリーが描かれています。chatGPT航空の受験生Capt.GPTは、その状況を説明しました。”Pilots are taking off the left side of the pararell runway. On the right side, probably Boeing 747 was departed one minute ago. The pilots feel difficulty to maintain the wing level while the initial climb... そこで試験官は"What kind of hazard do you expect? How do they minimize the potencial hazard while climbing?"と訊いてきました。

Capt.GPTは後方乱気流の危険性と対処法について言及しました。"The potential hazard in this situation is wake turbulence. Wake turbulence is caused when an aircraft generates a powerful wake behind it, which can cause the following aircraft to experience a sudden rise or drop in altitude. To minimize the potential hazard, the pilot should reduce airspeed and initiate a shallow climb. The pilot should also increase the distance between the two aircraft to minimize the effects of the wake turbulence. Additionally, the pilot should ensure that the aircraft is not in a critical angle of attack and should not attempt any steep turns or climbs."

これに応じて試験官から"How is wake turbulence generated then?"との質問です。
Capt.GPTは"Wake turbulence is generated by wingtip vortices, which are generated from both wingtips. It tends to be more severe when the aircraft is large, flying at a slow speed, and is in a clean configuration (i.e. flaps and landing gears are retracted)."と解説しています。


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