



In principle, airplane windows cannot be opened on pressurized aircraft. This is because if you open the window in the sky, the air pressure difference will destroy the aircraft or suck the passengers and cargo outside. Due to the structure of the airframe, the shape of the windows is oval or round. However, aircraft for surveying and photography are equipped with special round windows with pressure control devices that can withstand pressure differences.


In aircraft without pressurization, a large square window is attached that does not affect the structure. Even if a window can be opened and closed, it does not mean that it can be fully opened, but the bottom of the window can be pushed outward by a few centimeters, and a small window is pasted on a part of the large window, and it can only be opened there. There is no window of a small airplane designed to be fully opened like a private car. This is a safety consideration to prevent falling. Gliders have small sliding windows on the left and right sides of the canopy to ventilate and give instructions to the wingman by voice.



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